A better world, A longer lifespan

Have you ever wondered why the life span of humans keeps reducing? Perhaps technology is not a good thing anyway. It is said that men of old lived more than 200 years. History shows us the life span in the early men and how it kept dwindling till this point.

What is the cause of these dwindling life span and would we ever reach close to 1000 years again? From Christian history, Methuselah lived for over 900 years. That was the longest a human had ever lived.

One would hope that with the advances in technology and medicine, humans' life span should improve and not the other way round.

So, what are we doing differently from these early men? Maybe it is our faltering ecosystem, our greenhouse gases corroding the ozone layer and destroying vegetation and life itself.

Some people are of the notion that our thirst for war and the likes of it have led us to develop hideous types of machinery that have left our world desolate.

Image by Maria Thalassinou

As we would recall, world war 2 claimed millions of lives and left acres of land inhabitable due to radiation exposure, not to talk of sea life.

How do we hope to improve our life span in these circumstances? Science brought us into these messes will Science save us now? I wonder what the next breakthrough would be and if it takes or gives life.

I think as our strength increases, so does our frailty, the human immune system is functioning at one-third of its capacity. The COVID-19 pandemic opened the eyes of the world to this bitter truth.

What is the resolution then? do we plan to evacuate this realm leaving it for the unknown as the space explorers would have us do, or d we stay and improve the earth which we have laid desolate?

Do we plant trees, reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, stop the testing and proliferation of nuclear weapons, end the conflict between nations and improve human life due to the actualization of the sustainability goals?

I believe all these can be done, it only takes a little less selfishness from the people living in the world. It takes all of us young, and old, men, women, boys, and girls.

I would want to live 1000 years but not a world where peace is enveloped like a cloud of smoke clearing out in the wind of words by politicians. A 1000 years would be okay if the world would sooner start the task of rebuilding and looking for solutions that will ease the impacts of these technologies we have so enjoyed.

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