AZL Dream Journal Excerpt 001

Am I crazy, or is this the first post in this group?


Ok so, I used to dream journal really regularly, but with the birth if my second daughter, I’ve had to make tough choices and cut certain activities in order to carry on with others.

Those of you who’ve seen my other posts here probably know that means I quit journalling dreams in order to give myself more time for brewing and rucking, but mostly playing and talking about flutes!

Well, lately I’ve been thinking about that old dream journal again, and I wondered if bringing some attention to it on here could reignite my once thriving passion for chasing the ultimate dream…the lucid dream.

So, I have a limited amount of content since I stopped journalling, and I don’t plan on sharing all 131 pages individually, but rather I just thought I’d bring in the highlight reels so to speak.

As I dug through my old journal, whose last entry is dated July 6th of 2021, I thought, there’s some stuff in here that’s pretty neat!

In the above pages, you can see my first transition towards including illustrations among the text. This was sort of a LOA manifestation through dreaming; the illustration shown embedded in the text on the right was of a house on which we had just lost the bid. As I lay down that night, I focused my intention on the house coming back to us. As I dreamt, I saw what I interpreted as that same house, coming under my ownership. Within a month or so I’ve documenting that dream, our realtor called me and told me that the owner had fixed a bunch of things from the previous inspections, dropped the price, and wanted to offer to me first…I live there to this day with my wife and our two kids :)

I’m a big believer in attraction and manifestation, and also in the power of using dreams to further these objectives. This was one of my first big successes, but flipping through the journal and seeing this really took me back.

This was another cool one I found. I ran over a bunch of torsos with a truck one night, laid still while a bear sniffed and checked me out later that same night (I still remember that one as fresh as the morning when I woke up from it!), and then a month later had a dream I was coughing up fish. On the right, I diagrammed a dream exercise to practice jumping out of your dream body. I hoped to do this in a lucid dream, and perhaps by doing so, to initiate an out of body experience. So far no luck, but I’m not giving up hope!

I hope by reviewing and sharing some of my more memorable dream experiences, that I can make progress towards the goal of lucid dreaming on a regular/consistent basis.

Do you know of any habits or practices that helped you achieve this goal? From what I’ve seen in other polls, it’s quite uncommon for people to have lucid dreams on a super-consistent basis.



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