Fire Room Part 2

When we last left off, I had just dug in the recesses for the roof, right?

Ok cool. So I dug the main floor down below the roof support channels to create enough space for an air gap and got started.

In these next pictures, I laid 8”x8” lumber across the opening. This was a super low budget project, so all materials used would be scavenged or found, and these long ties were no exception. Next I interleaved framed lattice panels that i found someone throwing out. I layered foil insulation packing material over the wood structure to seal out liquid water.

Below I show the first half, covered with the first layer of dirt.


Below, I don’t think I did any more digging here, I just put some 5 gal buckets out there for depth reference.


The next natural step was to cover the second half and start cutting the tunnel to the shed floor.


This made the next steps much more challenging than they needed to be, but I deemed it to be necessary.

The open earth below the cut down tree in the last images is the start of the tunnel. These pictures are easy to throw up here, but the work of carving this out with hand tools has been absolutely awesome. I really enjoy envisioning the outcome and doing the work to make it real.

Next time we meet up, we’ll get to work on bringing this tunnel to depth. If you’ve come this far, thanks for tracking my build! I hope it’s as interesting to read about as it was to do :)

You can find the links to all the Fire Room posts, here.

For an indexed view of (most) of my works, don’t forget to check out the Albus Index! Quickly search through my content or browse for what available by topic!



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