Rise of the Pixels: Lore Teaser

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The story of the Pixelverse will evolve with the game. We encourage our community to take part in shaping the lore, so stay tuned for opportunities to do so here on Hive.

It started with a discovery

The Organization was tasked with experimental deep-web exploration. The complexities of modern communications systems had long surpassed the density and richness of a human brain, thus there was ample (if not a bit eccentric) interest in probing the emergent elements of this technological ecosystem.

Uncovering an interdimensional rift was not high on the list of expectations, but it happened nonetheless. At first the Organization's exploration team assumed they were simply being trolled. But as they took a closer look, to their utter astonishment, it seemed there indeed was an entire world folded within the bends and curves of Internet.

Humanity had discovered The Pixelverse.


Gaming as a cultural common ground

The Pixelverse realm appeared much like our own. Humanoid figures living on a planet complete with cities, nature, oceans, blue sky—the works. Their technology was on a similar track, but decidedly a few decades behind the Organization's. Much of the Pixelverse's culture resembled the 1980s on Earth.

While some debated whether it was actually a rift or some kind of time warp, cultural envoys began to connect with the Pixelians. Governments from both ends were hesitant and appropriately fearful of making the rift public. But it also couldn't be ignored. In order to establish trust and understanding, an agreement was made to share knowledge and resources in an as innocuous way as possible. After much negotiation, technological entertainment was the mutually acceptable agreement. In other words: Earth and the Pixelverse would pilot collaboration on video games.



The pilot program

The Pixelverse's 1980's vibe was ripe for innovation in video game programming, an opportunity that excited and intrigued their cultural representatives. The Organization was interested in some strange properties of the Pixelverse that diverged from life on Earth. For one, the flow of time seemed much faster. Second, the beings of the Pixelverse looked human, but were anything but. This was more than apparent when two of the representatives casually fused into a single entity, explaining that it would "Better prepare them for negotiations."

Likewise, the Pixelians were curious about humans' inability to simply mash themselves together, our slower time flow, and our advanced technology.

The agreement worked as follows:

The Pixelverse would recruit some of their top video game development talent to work with humans to co-design games. Over time, more and more Pixelians would be allowed into the program. Same with humans, who needed to obtain special 'studio licenses' approved by the Organization.

Humans would lead the studios and help introduce a video game renaissance to the Pixelverse, while the respective governments would stay out of sight and observe what happened.


✅ You've been approved, Earthling!

The Organization has noted your gaming proficiency, and extends an invitation to obtain a Studio License. Approximately 30,000 Pixelians have passed their interviews and are ready to be recruited by Earth-led studios. Read more about it all here or head right to the Rise of the Pixels shop to get your License today!

ℹ️ About this Lore teaser
The short story above outlines the very basics about the Pixelverse story. There is much more to fill out and consider (Who is The Organization? What other secrets does the Pixelverse hold? Why do Pixelians undergo fusion?). We will be looking to the community of storytellers here on Hive to help us build this lore—stay tuned!

The Rise Of The Pixels Team

Check out the official website: https://riseofthepixels.com
Read more in the game Rulebook: https://rulebook.riseofthepixels.com
Follow us on Hive: @riseofthepixels/
Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/e7cKB3KmsS
...or if you want to experience an authentic legacy Web2 vibe you can check out our X/Twitter profile: https://x.com/riseofthepixels

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