Ragnarok - Game Design Document


Game Design Document

An NFT based P2E strategy game

ragnarok cover.png

Elevator Pitch3
Key Features3
Core Gameplay Loop4
Chessboard and elements5
Movement phase5
Combat phase6
Spell phase6
Attack Phase9
End combat14
Postgame phase14
Between games14
Look and feel14


We are very happy to see all the excitement and eager questions from the community. We hope this game document can help answer some of those questions, and we will also be holding an AMA on the 2nd, the AMA will be from this account and will be dedicated to answering all of your questions.

Elevator Pitch

Ragnarok is an NFT based deck builder strategy game in which the game starts as a game of Chess featuring gods, titans, and legendary beings as your chess pieces. When pieces meet on the board, these gods battle with a deep 1v1 turn-based strategic combat system where the last God, titan, or being standing wins.


Strategic PayToEarn deck builder set in a mythological setting with magic and medieval weapons featuring gods from all times. At the start, Norse mythology, the home of Ragnarok, will be the ones starting the fight. However, Ragnarok is not limited to just Norse Mythology in this dimension, oh no, every God and Titan will be called forth to defend their honor and fight for the spoils. Every year, new Gods, Titans & legendary beings from various other mythologies throughout all of time will be available to be mined from the unminted NFTs from the original claim drop. While not to spoil the fun, a lot of work has already gone into the next round of beings, & let's just say it's been a herculean effort! ;)


The end of the world is upon us, Ragnarok is here! All beings, from gods to man, across all mythologies must choose their sides and battle it out over the course of a year, every year, it resets, and history repeats itself. There is glory, bountiful loot, and influence to gain new Gods, Titans & beings for the yearly winners.

Each God has its own backstory, which is readable from their bio when clicking their card in the lobby.


Ragnarok wants to be the most advanced skill-based game in existence. People with lesser stats but greater skill can prevail. This game will stretch the limits of your creativity and mental capacity. Ragnarok itself is sectioned into mini battles inside one big war. In one battle, you may be weak but find your resolve in another. To master Ragnarok is to master life itself, and no one is perfect, thus every match creates a beautiful, unique moment that can never ever be recreated again. Every battle is unique, every battle matters, every battle is written in history, forever. Winners are immortalized, while their opponents are devasted. It's an all-or-nothing game, as is life. Ragnarok is not for the faint of heart, only true warriors survive.

The game of Chess is like life. Chess is considered one of the oldest, most strategic games in existence. It is time-tested, and mental warriors battle it out in highly competitive environments until this day. So it is only appropriate Ragnarok starts out as a game of Chess, in this game of Chess, however, your pieces represent various gods, titans, or legendary beings. When your pieces meet, they engage in a deep and complex 1v1 battle to the death. You may be a chess pro, licking at the chops. But alas, Ragnarok does not make anything easy for anyone. You will need to relearn what you think you know and throw all prior preset moves out of the window, as that stuff does not work in Ragnarok. Ragnarok is alive, growing, evolving, incapable of being mapped with preset moves. Randomness is life, what will you do when thrown into the fire?

Key Features

  • Develop and improve your own NFT gods as you play, the history of the cards is permanent, see the great wars fought
  • Chess with a novel 1v1 battle system
  • Hundreds of gods featuring their own unique passive abilities
  • Hundreds of spells and pets to help you in combat
  • Tons of strategy due to the in-depth duel system
  • Collect weapons, equipment, items, and spells & as drops and sway new legendary beings to make your deck the best you can
  • Capped supply of NFTs
  • HBD Sink, all HBD for in-game items is put into a SIP v1 where interest is paid out to players perpetually

Core Gameplay Loop

  • Chess
  • 1V1 - Spells - Hero Direct Attack
  • When one opponent dies, the game reverts back to Chess to repeat until the King on either side has been defeated.

Chessboard and elements

The game starts as a typical game of Chess, except there are only 10 pieces, 5 pawns, and one of each type of back piece, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, and Rook. Each player has their own side of the board with their respective pieces, which have their own movement patterns. Each piece is a class and has its own set of core abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. For instance, the Rook is more of a tank with more defensive abilities, whereas the Bishop is more of a DPS, aka a "glass cannon."

Each NFT will have a chess symbol on it to show which class they are in.

Pawns represent legendary demi-gods or legendary humans. Pawns get 22 spells. Pawns are overall weaker in nature than Gods or Titans.

Bishop, Knight, Rook: Every piece in the back row has to be either a God or Titan. These Gods & Titans have 30 spells total.

Queen: Queens are legendary Gods or Titans that are leaders or highly influential beings. Queens have the highest DPS of any class, and some can perform multiple elements type attacks, IE Can use multiple elemental attacks, Fire & Water or Wind & Earth. Queens get 33 spells total.

King: Kings are legendary Gods or Titans that were leaders or highly influential beings. Kings have the strongest survival abilities and stats and can be hybrids of all classes (All Kings are very different from one another, a unique class), and some can perform multiple elements type attacks, IE Can use multiple elemental attacks, Fire & Water or Wind & Earth. Kings have no weaknesses to other elementals. Kings get 35 spells total.

  • Each chess piece represents a god, gods have different stats and a base level of 1, 9 being the highest level for any card.
  • The board has various colored fields which portray various elements; Fire, Water, Electricity, and Earth.
  • Different elements have strengths and weaknesses to each other. IE: Fire is weak to Water, Water is strong against fire
  • Each move you make with a chess piece grants every surviving being +1 stamina point

Movement phase

Each player chooses one piece they wish to move at the start of their turn. Each chess piece has its own movement pattern, which is the same as normal Chess. When chess pieces meet, players initiate a player versus player fight, in which each player makes various choices to affect the outcome of the battle.

Combat phase

You and your opponent's gods face off against each other in a 1v1 matchup. Gods have a health pool and a stamina pool. Gods also have spells attached, 22 for pawns, 30 for Gods/Titans, 33 & 35 for Queen & Kind, respectively. Some may also have passive abilities, IE; your wind pets have a +2 attack. First, you cast your spells, and then you go into a 1v1 duel God vs. God where you choose which abilities to use.

Combat is broken down into two separate phases, Spell phase and then hero attack phase. Spells are the first round, and both heroes summon their pets if they desire and cast the damage spells of their choice. The spell phase has 2 parts, casting damage sending pets to attack. When you send your pets into attack, if the other player has at least one pet summoned, the pets will battle it out on auto each round. If you do not send your pets into attack, then nothing will happen, your opponent's pets only attack when you attack, then it is based on speed which pets attack which. Pets always attack based on speed, so even if it's your turn and you attack first, the pet with the fastest speed will get the first move.

Spell phase

This is the first phase of combat, followed by an attack phase. There are two different types of spells and pets.


Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one-time effect or ability defined in the card's text. Casting a spell consumes the card, producing an instantaneous effect, although spells with a particular ability are delayed until activated by specific events. Spell cards do not have Attack, Health, or Speed attributes, only a mana cost and a level number, the highest being 9, the higher the spell, the greater the effect.


Pets have stats, Health, Speed, and Attack. Pets also have abilities both active and passive. Pets can trigger one-time effects instantly when they are played. Pets can be leveled from 1-9. Each level adds more stats and abilities.

  • All spells cost MANA. Each God has a max limit of 9 mana. Each round starts at 1 mana, and you get 1 mana per turn until 9 is hit. Each round, the mana refills itself to the max. You must pick a combo of cards that fit inside the mana you have. IE, I have 5 mana, I can play a card that cost 3 mana and one that cost 2.

  • Your God has three random spells out of their spell pool given to them at the start of the 1v1 fight, which is now available to play. Spells can be everything from direct damage to buffs to summoning powerful pets.

  • Each pet has a speed attached to it. IE; summon pet dealing eight damage - Speed 7. Spells are instant when you choose to cast them, and they can be targeted. Pick your desired spells to play that turn and then click "Cast spells" or "Pet Attack," or you can forfeit casting any spells and directly attack with your hero. The round ends when you hit "end round."

  • Your opponent does the same; once both players have hit cast spells or hit pet attack, the pets attack out automatically.

  • After you play your spells, both you and your opponent's pets will be played out on the board, in order of the speed stats on the pets, then the surviving pets of that round move on. When summoning a pet, you can choose where they are on the field.

  • Gameplay. You are dealt 3 cards, and you can mulligan these cards. You now have three options, cast spells or send pets to attack, or just perform a hero attack. When you engage the pets, the process starts automatically. The pets auto-battle out, and the surviving pets move on to the next round. You can choose to cast your magic spells before or after sending your pets into attack. The pets battle it out based on speed; the slowest attacked first. Pets can attack in the first round they are summoned.


  • I have 3 cards, one is a direct damage fire spell for 6 damage, and the other 2 are pets. I summon my pet. Now I can choose "Pet Attack" or "Cast Spell" or forfeit both and attack with my hero directly. Pets are always attacked first by all physical attacks; spells can be cast at any pet or hero.

  • I choose pet attack; the pets from both sides battle it out; if one person does not have pets and the other does, the surviving pets attack the hero directly.

  • After I hit Pet Attack, both sides still have surviving pets; I can now choose cast spells (if I did not do that first) or attack any remaining pets on the field with my hero directly.

  • Any combo of cards can be played as long as they have the right mana cost.

  • Once a spell is cast, it can no longer be cast throughout the rest of the game, including future matches, and if a god runs out of spells, it can no longer cast spells.

  • Your gods deal and take their respective damage to their health pools depending on the attacks. If one God dies before the attacks are finished, that spell goes back to the player's God.

  • A god's life pool persists between fights.



The poker game of life. Like Chess, Poker is considered one the most skill-based games in existence, and one could argue it is the ultimate game of skill. No-Limit Hold 'em is widely regarded as the most challenging for all of Poker, where faiths can be swayed in a single hand and destinies crushed in a single move. It is no wonder the world series of poker main event, the biggest stage for any poker game, is based on No-Limit Hold 'em Poker.

Before any battle, our great, great ancestors would always result to wise oracles and heed to the call of the universe. There are some days when luck will not be on your side, what some call the ultimate God, the universe, sometimes does not favor you. Ancient warlords knew this well, and many would avoid battle if a cursed day were upon them. There is more to fighting wars than the might of your army, in ancient mythologies, wars were fought and won by whom was favored the most.

We have all heard of the term the "poker gods," followed by what they allowed to happen. Well, Faith plays a big role in this game, and sometimes you just fall short, even when you did the best you could. There is no perfect way to fight in Ragnarok. However, just because the gods smile upon your opponent does not mean you can seize the day. Ultimately, favor can be given, but it is up to the hero to put that favor into practice. You may have the best hand, but if your opponent is able to intimidate you enough, you can fold and lose. At the end of the day, we control our Faith, and no one can take the glory but you, regardless of how much favor the gods bestow you.

No-Limit Hold 'em Poker is the framework of the game.

Poker terminology to fighting words:

Bet = Attack
Reraise = Counter Attack
Call = Engauge
Fold = Brace + 5% stamina / - 2 HP or if you have Pets up, 1hp off slowest pet, 1 hp from hero.
Check = Defend = + 5% stamina
Chips = Hit Points
Faith = Flop
Forsight = Turn
Destiny = River
Faith Cards = Hole cards
Resulting Faith = 1 Poker Hand from start to finish where a winner is declared.

From now on, we will use the new terminology; please refer to the key legend above if you get confused by the terminology.

Attack phase

After your spells are cast, you go into the attack phase. This is where your gods attack each other directly. Gods have various passive abilities, and an example would be "25% chance to crit on attack". A player can bring spells or pets into the battle that negate passives or reinforce them with effects.

  • Each player receives two faith cards. The attacker acts first.
  • You have only two options after your faith cards are dealt; you can attack or brace. Once your Faith is laid before you, you can perform more moves which we go into more below.

There will be only 1 STAT that is dynamic to hero cards, and that is Hit Points = HP.

Combat is detemined by HP. You attack, risking your health. If you have 100 health, you can attack for 100 health; if you lose, you lose 100 health. If you win, your opponent loses 100 health.

If you act first before your Faith is laid before you and pick brace, you instantly lose one health point, and so does your slowest pet. If you do not have a pet, you lose two health. Brace has no defense position option; it is a guaranteed loss of health every time.

If you pick attack, choose the amount to attack for, then choose which body part to attack, now it goes to your opponent. Combos are divided into % of health attacked. Every turn, you get an option to attack for however many hit points (HP) you have, or you can choose to brace. You can attack whatever amount 1 HP or over up until your max HP.

Example: I have a max of 100 HP total. I can attack 100 HP, or I can attack 1 HP. I can attack 30 HP or 53 HP, anything I want, as long as I have the health to make the attack.

Every fighter has 10 stamina, equal.

The amount of the attack determines stamina. For every attack that damages your opponent for a total of 10% of your total HP cost 1 stamina.

Example. I have 100 health; I attack for 20, which costs 2 stamina; if I attack for 50, that costs 5 stamina.

The amount of the attack determines speed. For every attack that damages your opponent for a total of 10% of your total HP creates a 1-speed point.

Example. I have 100 health; I attack for 20, that's 2-speed points (speed points explained below.) If I attack for 50, that's 5-speed points.

You can't attack for more than your max health unless it is a critical hit. You will get combos that unlock powerful finishing moves, but you need to attack in the same range 3 times in a row to unlock "rage." Rage only depletes if you use it for a finishing move or die. With enough rage, you can unlock the finishing move to be used at any time.

  • Select your target location for your attack, these all have different effects:
    -- High - Deals 5% additional damage to the opponent
    -- Middle - Opponent recovers stamina 5% slower
    -- Low - Opponents attack speed is lowered by 5%
    -- Left - Opponent becomes weaker and deals 5% less damage
    -- Right - Opponent becomes weaker and deals 5% less damage
  • Then select how much you wish to attack for. You deal damage by sliding a slider to the damage amount you wish to deal, dealing damage costs speed points and stamina, for every 10% of your total HP you attack with, it cost 1 speed point and 1 stamina point.
  • If you have enough speed points, you can get an extra attack in on your turn up to the amount of speed points you have. IE, if you have 1 speed point, you can get a free attack of 10% of your health. If you have 5 speed points saved, you can now perform an extra attack of 50% of your health. These are free attacks and are nullified if you lose the engagement and are not counted towards total health, IE you can attack for 100% of your HP + 100% of your current speed points to go over your total HP in attack.
  • The attack bar has colored ranges (Green to x to red) which represents the power of the attack, everything under 33% is a light attack, 34-66% is a medium attack, and 67-100% is a heavy attack).
  • 3 of an attack within the range of your previous, so like 0-33% for light attacks, so you could do 10, 22, 3 gives you 20 rage points. If you have 50 rage points, you can trigger a special attack.
  • After choosing your abilities, you then choose your defense location, these also have different effects based on your opponent's choice of attack location.
    -- High = Head
    -- Middle = Torso
    -- Low = Legs
    -- Left = Left Arm
    -- Right = Right Arm
  • If a defending player chooses the defense location the attacking player selected, the defender negates the effect of the attack and reduces the incoming damage by 100%. Some passives will add negative effects for your opponent upon your successful block.
  • Additionally, choosing the right defense location may allow you to counter-attack the opponent. (Currently a 10% chance of occurring with passives that can increase this chance)
  • After this, if the resulting Faith is in your favor, your attacks play out and deal damage to your opponent's God, or if they have pets on the board, they damage the pet first before any excess damage goes to the God.

Opponent options when being attacked:

3 choices: COUNTER (reraise) ENGAGE (call) BRACE (fold)

  • COUNTER: You "engage" the initial attack and then put in a new attack. NOTE ( The minimum reraise (counter) is equal to the size of the previous bet or raise. If someone wishes to reraise, they must raise at least the amount of the previous raise.)

IE: I have 100 health; you have 100 health. I attack for 20 preflop, you counter for 40 (my bet 20 + the min bet you can make 20 = 40) - now I must engage for 20 more, brace or counter again myself.

  • ENGAGE: which acts as a "call." If you click engage, the next card will come, in this case, the flop.

IE: I attack for 30 preflop, you engage. The action stops, then the flop is dealt. It is now my turn, and I choose which options I want. If I bet 30 preflop and you engage, then I bet on the flop, and you fold, you will lose 30 health points.

  • BRACE: this means you instantly lose 1 health, and so does your slowest pet.

  • On the flop, the attacker has 2 options, to defend (check) or to attack (bet.)

Battle examples:

I'm dealt AA preflop. I attack for 5HP.
You engage the 5HP attack.

The flop comes Ah Kd 7d

I attack for 10HP
You brace.
You lose 5hp.

We both have 100 HP.
I attack preflop for 30 HP.
You brace, you lose 1-2 HP (pet dependant.)

Example: We both have 30 HP
I attack for 30 HP
You brace, you lose 1-2 HP (pet dependant.)

I bet 1 HP
You engage.
Faith is laid out, and I defend
you defend
Forsite I defend
you defend
Destiny I defend
you defend
Whoever has the best faith cards win, and the loser loses 2 hp.

Before the Faith is laid, I attack for 30, you engage. Faith comes. You defend, I attack for 30, you call. Forsite comes, you defend, I attack for 30, you fold. You lose 60 health points.

All stats carry over to the next match except speed points. You must use your speed points that round, or you lose them. Every other stat carries over HP, STA, and RAGE points.

Out of PVP mode and inside of CHESS mode, every player on both sides recovers 1 stamina for each chess move performed.


The battle then goes back through the loop until one player's God is defeated. The battle cycle goes, Spells/Pet first, then the hero attacks. The poker hand in its entirety acts as one round, think of each street as jostling for control with two weapons pinned against each other, the back and forth dance of the round of attack.

End combat

When one of your gods loses all their health points, they get knocked out of the game, and their respective chess piece gets knocked off the board.

Postgame phase

After your match finishes you

  • Gain EXP coins used to upgrade your gods (Crypto)
  • Gain rating for your online rank

Between games

  • Customize your gods
    -- Equip them with various spells you want for your matches (Up to 30 per God)
    -- Equip them with various weapons or equipment to boost their stats
  • Level up your gods by staking your EXP coins gained by winning matches
    -- Leveling up your God will allow for more spells to be attached, grant your God higher stats, etc.

Look and feel

Mythological, elemental-based, fantasy aesthetic.

A fitting soundtrack with satisfying sound effects.

The game is primarily controlled by using your mouse, maybe hotkeys for selected tasks will be added if necessary in the future.

Cover Image Sources: 1 - 2

3 columns
2 columns
1 column