Splinterlands AMA Summary - November 5th, 2021 - 9AM Eastern!

Splinterlands AMA Summary - November 5th, 2021 - 9AM Eastern!


AMA Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Yabapmatt (Co-Founder)
    • Hardpoint (VP of Engineering)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Chatter (Marketing Director)
    • Isaria (Content Manager/Director of Music)
  • Main Topics:
    • Company Updates (Dev, Support & Marketing)💥
    • EYE CANDY (Chaos Legion Preview) 👀
    • AMA Questions & Answers ⚡️
  • Recording Link:


💥 Company Updates 💥

Dev Updates:

  • Top priority is Chaos Legion
    • Still on track to be launched early December
  • Stability is being worked on as well
    • Market Stability
      • Trying to resolve the removed cards quicker in market and make the market pop more
    • Bridge Stability
      • Improving stableness and resolution for transfers

Support Updates:

  • Had over 6000 tickets in last 30 days
    • Team has resolved over 5000 tickets over the last 30 days
  • Still have 3000 outstanding tickets
    • Trying to create a triage process
    • Some bottlenecks for certain
  • Starting a training program for support members and increase their resources
  • Trying to create a more responsive support process
  • Some of the support employess are being brought on full-time
  • Will continue to expand support team (See hiring in the team updates below)

Creative Updates:

  • Looking to hire many more creative employees
  • New Lore From Tome Of Chaos!
  • Each CL splinter will have a 0 Mana Legendary Fiend!
    • Will be similar to the Furious Chicken, but better
  • Buy your very own Splinterwear!

In Honor Of Aggroed's Push n' Shove


  • Several partnerships are coming down the pipeline!
    • XPS
    • Cryptobots
    • Tournament with CommunityGaming in early December (working on curating a large prize pool for the SL fam)
    • Education courses launching with Finstreet (leading crypto edu platform in India - 1M+ active users)
  • Potential guild onboardings from other games
    • These are huge communities that have their eyes on Splinterlands
  • Around 10 more partnerships in the works as well, stay tuned!

Sales & Marketing Updates:

  • Reworking public CMS system to allow subscription and syndication
  • Updating the Splinterlands Docs to make it more useful
  • Will make dev updates more transparent via patch notes
  • Dygycon - Kicking off on November 20th
  • NFT Art Contest
    • Selected artists will be allowed to mint their NFT on the Splinterchampions account
  • Aggroed was at the NFT convention in NYC this week to showcase Splinterlands
    • Watch him smash a toilet - LINK!
  • Working on a new landing page for in-game to include:
    • Game updates
    • Upcoming changes
    • News
    • Other information to keep players up-to-date

General Team Updates:

  • Team is looking to still hire a lot more new employees!
    • Not online just yet, but be ready
    • Don't spam the team, wait for the new system to be released and announced
  • Team is quickly improving their internal infrastructure
    • Scaling their resources themselves
  • Working on a quality of life concept to collect minor improvements for the game
    • Hardpoint and Nateaguila would live stream and go through the items
    • Agreed on items would then be transferred to a new list
    • New list would allow SPS stakers to vote on which ones they want to give priority
    • Just a concept idea for now, but let us know what you think!


⚡️ AMA Questions ⚡️

👀 = See Eye Candy!

Chaos Legion 👀:

  • Money received from Chaos Legion packs will be used to keep the game running
    • Needed for expanding the team and getting features out quicker
    • Resource costs are growing as the game and community increases as well
  • Team is still trying to increase the capacity for the launch of Chaos Legion
    • Anticipating a huge strain on servers once CL is launched
    • Trying to prevent any server issues and lag once launced
  • The first phase of the public sale should be shortly after the pre-sale ends
    • First phase consists of 2 million CL packs that requires vouchers
    • Vouchers will be airdropped at 2x the rate
    • The second phase (general sale) should be immediately after first phase ends
  • Doctor Blight is only available for those who purchase packs during pre-sale
    • Won't be included in the card packs themselves


  • No plans on making SPS purchases part of affiliate program
    • Just buy credits with SPS if you want the benefit of the affiliate program


  • No plans to directly change DEC value
  • The new Modern/Wild format may impact DEC prices as reward pool will be doubled


  • To reiterate, if you want the coolest items in-game, you will want vouchers!
  • Vouchers won't disappear after the CL and will be used for future utility


  • Leaderboards are great for making leagues competitive
  • Future ideal would be to make top leaderboard fights streamable


  • Team would like to revamp the guild structure when time allows
  • Guilds should motivate players to play together and grow together

Tome Of Chaos NFT's:



Chaos Legion Cards Preview



Recent Updates

Security Updates

  • Requiring Active Authortiy For All Accounts

Gameplay Updates

  • Updated Ranked Battle DEC Reward Shares Calculation
    • Rating² ==> Rating³ (squared --> cubed)


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Friday, November 12th, 12PM EST (4PM UTC)

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