Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - December 10th, 2021 - 8PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Yabapmatt (Co-Founder)
    • Hardpoint (VP of Engineering)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • BreakingBenjamin (Narrative Designor)
    • Kbux (Developer)
    • Chatter (Director Of Growth)
    • Cryptomancer (Main Developer Of Chaos Legion)
    • LibertyLass (Executive Administrative Assistant)
  • Main Topics:
    • Dev Updates πŸ‘€
    • Creative UpdatesπŸ’₯
    • Q&A ⚑️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 1:50 - Intro
    • 11:52 - Nateaguila Updates (Creative Team)
      • 20:50 - BreakingBenjamin Introduction
    • 28:50 - Hardpoint Updates (Dev Team)
      • 35:35 - Kbux Introduction
    • 46:30 - Land Update From Yabapmatt
    • 50:40 - Chatter Updates (Marketing Team)
    • 53:50 - Crytomancer Quick Update
    • 1:02:15 - Q&A
    • 1:53:15 - Closing Remarks
      • 1:53:35 - LibertyLass Introduction


πŸ’₯ Company Updates πŸ’₯

Chaos Legion:

  • Bulk purchases are getting up to 1M packs
  • Affiliate program should count towards the bulk purchases

Dev Updates:

  • SPS governance is still being worked on by Yabapmatt
    • Goal is to have first version of software released by end of year or early January
  • Team's goal is to heavily focus on land expansion Q1 2022
  • Team is up to 13 total developers right now
  • Devs are releasing platform updates about once or twice times a week
  • Main focus is preparing for Chaos Legion general sale
  • Cryptomancer's main focus is working on the Modern/Wild ranked formats
    • Timeframe is most likely Q1 of 2022

Marketing Updates:

  • Splinterfest is officially being planned for Q2 or Q3
    • Location is TBD
  • Partnering with ZenSports to kick-off a year-long tournament
    • Monthly tournaments with prize pools
    • Ladder system that takes results from monthly tournaments
    • Huge prize pool for the end-of-year tournament!
  • ZenSports is hosting a Chaos Legion only tournament in January
  • Marketing is currently hiring an ESports Manager and Events Manager

Creative Updates:

  • Creative team is currently interviewing for more team members
  • Building out the lore of all of Praetoria that will intertwine with land expansion
  • Splinterlands is not just a card game anymore
    • When land is released, Splinterlands will be well beyond a card game
    • Battles 2.0 - Player becomes more immensed in battles
  • Storyline will affect player's decisions with land and battling
  • First Chaos Legion story

General Team Updates:

  • Whole team has 3-4x more resources to build out everything on their agenda
  • Hardpoint & Chatter want to get a stream going for new players
    • Both are playing in Bronze currently
    • Want to stream to record their journey as they climb to higher leagues


⚑️ AMA Summary ⚑️


  • Validators ==> Oracle
    • Validators will be voted by SPS holders
    • Top voted validators will be signatories on multisig wallets
    • Validators purpose:
      • Read transactions from Hive blockchain
      • Maintain state of SPS balances, staking, rewards, ect..
      • Validate all transactions
      • Track SPS proposals, sign & broadcast transactions from proposals
    • All this operates independently from the Splinterlands team


  • Land will introduce a new round when battling
    • Once you submit your team, you will then be able to equip items or cast spells
    • Based on how you review the battlefield and want to counter
  • End goal of land is to mint additional value for players

Chaos Legion Airdrops:

  • Airdrop cards and droprates won't be known until announced
  • General math for airdrops will be similar to Untamed
    • Droprates increase after every airdrop
    • Will be higher depending on the rarity of the airdropped card
  • Majority of the cards will be Legendary cards
  • Will most likely introduce a guaranteed droprate for gold foils too


  • Going forward, team will probably change to use market value for DEC
    • Will make buying potions and upgrading future land buildings more realistic
  • May honor market price until it falls below the soft peg price of 1000 DEC = $1

Feedback For Splinterlands:

  • Any recommendations/suggestions can be submitted and voted
  • Will eventually be implemented in-game
    • Your vote will be based on the amount of SPS you have staked


Recent Updates

Release Notes - 2021-12-01

  • Back-end updates for Chaos Legion Launch preparation.
  • Added warnings & notifications to the Mana Well page for when block processing is running behind.
  • Added filters on card stats to the Collection, Market, Rental, and Team Selection screens. (Community Feedback #2)
  • Added a proper 0 mana filter to the Team Selection screen.
  • Added a user setting to skip battle intro animations. (Community Feedback #13)
  • Updated graphics & minor text adjustments to the About page.


Past AMA Summaries

  • Friday, December 3rd, 2021
    • Chaos Legion Launch (5 Days Away!) πŸ‘€
    • Creative Updates - More Lore/Stories! πŸ’₯
    • Land Expansion & SPS Validators ⚑️

  • Friday, November 26th, 2021
    • Chaos Legion Top 6 Pre-sale Buyers πŸ‘€
    • Chaos Legion Public Sale Updates πŸ’₯
    • Eye Candy ⚑️


Next AMA - TBD

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