Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - February 16th, 2022 - 10AM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • WeirdBeard (ESports Manager)
    • Waffles Kitty (DYGYCON)
    • Kaljerico (Narrative Design)
    • Tamer (Graphic Designer)
  • Main Topics:
    • Waka Flocka Colloboration Updates šŸ‘€
    • Company Updates āš”ļø
    • Q&A Summary šŸ’„
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:40 - Intro & Aggroed Update
    • 12:40 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 15:50 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 20:15 - WeirdBeard Update (ESports Manager)
    • 30:05 - More Chatter Updates (Marketing)
    • 33:15 - Waffles Kitty Update (DYGYCON)
    • 36:05 - Kaljerico Introduction (Narrative Design)
    • 44:30 - Tamer Introduction (Graphic Designer)
    • 54:30 - More Nateaguila Updates & Eye Candy (Creative)
    • 1:05:00 - Q&A
    • 1:58:35 - Closing Remarks


šŸ’„ Company Updates šŸ’„

Dev Updates:

  • Current Dev Roadmap:
    • Modern/Wild Ranked Format
    • SPS Validators
    • Land Expansion V1.0
    • Ton of minor features and enhancements weekly as well

Marketing Updates:

  • Waka Flocka collaboration is one of many to come!
  • There will be a Gleam event running soon to give out Imagine Dragon's concert tickets
    • Will be able to view our promotion video at the concert
  • Stream team should be kicking off soon
    • Around the clock streaming service - 24 hour brand recognition
  • All marketing initiatives take time to make an impact, they aren't instant

Creative Updates:

  • The Waka Flocka countdown on the Shop page is live
  • Making strides to create the final Shop page for when the countdown hits zero
  • Designing a bunch of new art for Modern/Wild Formats
    • New backgrounds
    • New reward chests designs
    • Will be consistently improved and added once Modern/Wild is released
  • Released new Tome of Chaos story: These Strange Gods
  • Asset production to prepare for land has been ongoing for months
  • SplinterBites v2.0 should be rolled out soon as well


  • Tournaments are ready to be rolled out imminently!
  • Tournament pain points being addressed:
    • Entry requirements
      • Collection Power & SPS Staked
    • Disparity In Competition
  • Team is working on a "Streamer Mode"
    • Current battle system isn't great for streamers
    • Would hide match results so they don't show before the streamer views the match
    • Will help bring in some big name streamers
  • Team wants tournaments to be a big impact on new players to keep players engaged


  • DYGYCON 8 is happening March 18-20, 2022
  • DYGYCON is a bimonthly virtual convention where you can connect with the crypto community
    • Features several booths hosted by different projects
    • Can win sweet swag as well
  • Read More On The Blog


āš”ļø AMA Summary āš”ļø


  • People who stake over 1M SPS will not be capped on how many vouchers they earn anymore
    • This was to prevent Matt and Aggy from earning too many vouchers in the early stages of the Voucher token airdrops
    • Now, it hinders big SPS buyers as they had to create multiple accounts to stake their full amount of SPS
    • This change was released right before the last Voucher airdrop

Waka Spiritblade Sale:

  • There is no limit to how many Waka Spiritblade cards a single person can buy
    • People would just make multiple accounts if this restriction was enforced
  • There will be no restriction for bots to buy the cards
    • The price requirements are enough of a gatekeeper to prevent someone buying all the cards
  • The new Special Shop page is the default view currently
    • It is a temporary page to promote the current colloboration with Waka
    • Will default back to the Chaos Legion page once the promotion ends/sells out

Mobile App Development:

  • Aggroed wants to spin up a whole mobile development team, but still being discussed
  • New development would replace the current mobile app
  • Reminder, there is already a v2.0 of the current browser application being built that will be more scalable and more mobile-friendly


  • Team would love to introduce more skins but it is more complicated than just releasing the new artwork
  • Would like to transition into animations
  • Don't want a ton of skins released to distract people from understanding the different characters
  • All artwork in new card sets will be created with skins in mind
    • Foundation will be set to make skin releases simple and quick

Revisions To Reward System:

  • There are different phases planned for revising the reward system
  • Modern/Wild ranked formats will probably be the first step to improving the reward system
  • No ETA on when full revisions will be rolled out



Dragon From The Imagine Dragon Promotion Video

Dragon From The Imagine Dragon Promotion Video

Waka Flocka Wallpaper

Waka Flocka Animation


Recent Announcements

Waka Flocka Partnership Announcement

  • Waka Spiritblade NFT will be released for sale at 12pm EST / 17:00 UTC on Thursday, February 24th, 2022
  • ALL Waka Flocka cards purchased will be MAX LEVEL (11 BCX Reg Foil / 4 BCX Gold Foil)
  • In-game price is 5000 SPS and 500 Voucher tokens


Past AMA Summaries

  • Friday, January 21st, 2022
    • New Team Member Introductions āš”ļø
    • Two More Chaos Legion Airdrops Reveals (Eye Candy) šŸ‘€
    • AMA Summary šŸ’„


Next AMA - Wednesday, February 23rd, 2PM Eastern (7PM UTC)

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