Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - March 30th, 2022 - 4PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • WeirdBeard (ESports Manager)
    • Doogie (VP Of Project Management)
    • R0nd0n (Splinterlands TV)
    • Kira1995 (Senior Financial Support)
    • SeanRyan (Narrative Team)
  • Main Topics:
    • Company Updates 💥
    • Splinterlands TV 👀
    • Q&A ⚡️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:15 - General Intro
    • 07:00 - Nateaguila Updates (Creative)
    • 28:50 - WeirdBeard Updates (Tournaments/ESports)
    • 34:00 - Doogie Intro (VP Of Project Management)
    • 42:15 - R0nd0n Intro/Updates (Splinterlands TV)
    • 1:00:10 - Kira1995 Intro (Senior Financial Support)
    • 1:09:00 - SeanRyan Intro (Narrative Team)
    • 1:27:40 - Q&A
    • 1:58:20 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Splinterlands TV:

  • Will be streaming 24/7 of Splinterlands content every day
  • Constant exposure and covering content will continue to get our name out there
  • May have specific stream announcements in the future
  • All donations and subscriptions will go straight to the streamers
    • Splinterlands will not be receiving any money
  • Will include a mix of non-English speakers as well to make this a global stream

Creative Team Updates:

  • Working on enhancing SplinterBites even more!
    • SplinterBites will be unique per league you are in
      • Bronze players will see basic SplinterBites
      • Diamond/Champ will see more advanced ones
    • SplinterBites will be separated into their modal as well to focus more attention
  • Overtime, you may see different loot chests with different artwork and animations
  • Overall goal is to make Splinterlands compete at the AAA level
  • Talks of Splinterlands comics have already begun
    • Narrative member, SeanRyan, worked as an editor for Marvel & DC in the past

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • Introduced a few Chaos Legion only tournaments
  • Working with Data Analysis team to continue to enhance tournaments
    • Looking at how many players are actually winning at their rank
      • Want to encourage/force players to play at their level
  • Continuing to look at making tournaments more competitive so different people start winning
  • Still working on an entire new phase of tournaments where card collection may not matter

General Team Updates:

  • Chatter and Hardpoint attended NFT LA and GDC
    • Lots of exciting discussions being made
    • Will have to wait for them to get back to share anything


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

SPS Validators:

  • License prices will most likely be dynamic
    • Price will increase as more and more licenses are sold

Hiding Opponents Names:

  • In the next release, April 5th, you will not know your opponents name upon fighting in Ranked
  • Overall goal of this change is mostly to prevent win-trading between accounts ran by the same person
  • There will be additional iterations on top of this in order to solve the bigger picture

In-Game Notification:

  • Team still wants to eventually build an in-game notification system
  • Not the highest priority but something the team definitely has on the backlog

Non-Card Market:

  • Phase 1 will probably be how the current market works but with non-card assets
  • Phase 2 will include additional sorting and filtering options

Reward Cards:

  • All reward cards will eventually be associated to the main card set that they were released during
    • Current reward cards are a subset of Chaos Legion
    • Prior reward cards were a subset of Untamed
    • All these will be made usable with those sets in the near-future



Wallpaper - Aggroed Triumphant

Cursed Windeku Animation

New Cards Concept Art


Recent Announcements

SPS Listing On Crypto.com

  • New SPS:USDT trading pair coming on Crypto.com!


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Wednesday, April 6th, 8PM Eastern (April 7th - 1AM UTC)

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