Stand Closer, a Freewrite


There are many ways for us to go.

We can go willingly or
fighting to the end,
most of us now somewhere on the willing end,
showing that we care
by denying ourselves
handshakes, hugs, kisses,
and even smiles

If I have no choice
then I choose for you
to hold me close while the damage is done.

Shield me with your smile
your handshake
your hug
and I will shield you with mine

Stand close to me.
Close enough that I can feel
the moisture and warmth in your breath.
Close enough that I remember I am not alone
that countless before us
have been very brave
and have conquered

We must be virulent in our Humanity

This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge.

This was one of those times when I had no idea I was going to write anything at all until I had already set down a few words. I did not set the timer, but it is a freewrite that took around five minutes to compose; these are the words that came out. A bit of rearranging and tidying up went on before I hit "publish".

Thank you for reading my poem.

Take off your muzzles, breathe freely again, smile, and be not afraid. You will be so very glad you did.

text dividers by @cryptosharon
image by @wales, Dean Moriarty



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1 column