Optogenetics: A Magical Tool for Control


"Optogenetics is a recently developed technique that can control cellular functions by illuminating lights to the cells in which light-sensitive proteins are expressed by gene transfer"


The word of the day is, "Optogenetics: control by light of cellular processes." The ongoing research into neuromodulation (mind control) through light and sound is the most pressing issues on the Davos' WEF wish-list.

As the siege of apocalyptic narrative continues, so does the ongoing development of technocracy and its "amazing potential" to revolutionize drug delivery, interconnectivity and streamlining of population control.


While we are gradually being transitioned into 5G the next mechanism of control is actively and continuously developed, tested and refined. In the New Age of Intelligence, the most important asset is information and neuromodulation of millions of people through technology.

On our going investigation into the mechanisms of control we are oftentimes, tragically, distracted by the CURRENT thing as the "super-class" openly conspires to override informed consent and free-choice. The major road ahead is the penetration of the human mind via Visible Light Communication (VLC).

“VLC is quite simple and interesting. Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, it uses the light from LEDs that can turn on and off, up to one million times per second.” Lead study author Jie Xiong

“Ultimately,” says Xiong, “we want to be able to harvest waste energy from all sorts of sources in order to power future technology.”
Human bodies turned into antennae receiving externally stimulated information and sending out energy :

...a team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has announced that they have invented a low-cost, innovative way to harvest the waste energy from VLC by using the human body as an antenna. This waste energy can be recycled to power an array of wearable devices, or even, perhaps, larger electronics. --UMass Amherst



The road-map to the 2030 Agenda happens in the background, as most people forget the lessons from the "Series of Events" manufactured to create compliance out of fear and uncertainty. These recent scientific developments happen quietly throughout years, and are not a happenstance or a foregone conclusion. "If we don't do it, then someone else will do because "human nature." So says the lap-dogs at the World Economic Forum.

The recent lock-downs brought about awareness of the dictatorial powers of the State to coerce, defraud and monopolize free-choice. It's this very awareness (human consciousness) which Transhumanists are targeting to override and correct. Some people refused to follow orders, to take the vaccine and blindly believe the experts.

The Scientific Dictatorship is working on the solution beyond politics, beyond censorship to directly control humanity by leveraging the body to as an antennae that downloads their latest drug:


As Yuval Noah-Harari has mentioned the transformation of the scientific dictatorship is evolving from external control to internal penetration of the brain, the body and humanity.

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark during the Davos' gathering in 2022 affirmed that mobile phones as we know it will phase out, and the establishment of 6G networks will bring with internal devices of communication, "...many of these things will be directly build into our bodies."

Humanity is entering a surreal landscape in which technology is blurring the lines between science and the twilight-zone.

The trajectory of TRANSHUMANISM and its scientific dictatorship is not a foregone conclusion, rather a con-game which relies on our ignorance & fear to continue existing.

To challenge these developments individuals need to be actively focused on their personal development: developing their mind, their enterprise and embrace freedom despite the fear.

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