The Financial Restructuring of the World Order

The overall trajectory of world affairs are presented by the corporate press & alternative media in sensationalist terms or pessimistic tones. The map of the world is distorted with apocalyptic narratives which leave the majority of the population in a reactive state. The issue is not necessarily the lack of truth but its lack of relevancy to political discourse. The crux of political theater is the performance, the story and the audience's experience of catharsis.

While the headlines drum up the World-War narrative between Russia, China and the United States let us not lose focus:

"It's not about the US vs China. Its about what underpins the World Order..."

"We are in the brink of a dramatic change..."

World leaders, corrupt politicians and bankers who've cheer-leaded the World Economic Forum's Great Reset goals are contending with the consequences of Zero Carbon, Zero Covid and Zero Trust models of governance. The sentiment towards banks, corporations and government corruption is at an all-time high of distrust & pessimism. Consequently, the global economic recession has spurred million of people into more sophisticated anti-government action.

China, like the United States, is undergoing a major economic downturn partly due to"brutal but effective" Covid policies --however the economic impact of lock downs is not the sole cause of China's decline. For example, the recent massive riots in Zhengzhou exposes the frailty of the Chinese financial system. The financial crisis shaking up China is casting doubt politburo's ability to manage the " possible result," underlining the severity of the economic decline is the deafening silence of the politburo's on the country's economic goals

The mortgage strike is snowballing and has reached more than 100 cities. Nine out of ten new properties in China are sold before they are finished, and advance payments are a lifeline for developers and banks. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is rattled and attempting to erase news of the protest from social media to stop the strikers organizing. -The Times.

The authorities in China have effectively switch their outlook from economic progress to technocratic repression of human activities; i.e. perpetual lock downs of dissident communities, activists and excommunication of those critical to the party. The developing geopolitical tensions between the super-powers is creating global conflict in the midst of a massive global recession. Conveniently, for the United States & China this clash of civilizations creates the geopolitical conditions to externalize the public's animus towards an external foe.


Governments, corporations and the military continue to encroach into our personal life in every possible way imaginable. Technocracy is impacting social behavior through top-down centralized control, and they admit that's their objective in order to keep the planet safe.

Ultimately, world-wide conflagration obfuscates the transfer of wealth which took trillions of dollars from people and into the hands of the Super-Class. In this geopolitical climate it becomes acceptable to say the quiet part out loud:


A dramatic shift in finance, technology & geopolitical realignments is unfolding behind the headlines --and it is marketed as a necessary response to ecological, biological and geopolitical threats. These major developments are introduced via crises, and enforced through a legal framework in which consent becomes obsolete.

The Next Paradigm

The financial structure of the 4th industrial revolution entails a complete accounting of every single human, in real time with an up-to-date psychological profile; engineered by design.

In Caroll Quigly's book, "Tragedy & Hope," he states "...people's minds and their social organizations are adjusted to expansion, and it is a very difficult thing to readjust these to a decreasing rate of expansion." In the Age of Conflict, social classes & political units react to the decline through violence among themselves or other political units." The most significant aspect in this dialectic is the resulting power-structure; not necessarily the political intrigue.


The most significant aspect to human life is the social structure of its environment, because it guides us on the unspoken rules to pair-bonding, mutual exchange and our role in this world. Top-down centralization of power, people and currency through lock-downs is upending normal human behavior ,and supplanting it with a baroque power-structure.

Artificial intelligence actively models our behavior through the petabytes of information it compiles from our lives. The intimate information mined from every-day appliances is increasingly used to better inform "AI driven social management tools." The next phase in the paradigm of technocratic control is the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency.

The Purpose Is Absolute Control:


As the narrative of impending doom continues let us not forget that in order for a new order to be introduced the old order must be destroyed. The most significant aspect in history is not the conflict between nations --but the synthesis of the New World Order.
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