The Journey Within Our Dreams

The poignant conversation of yester-year centered on Collectivism and the Self, and the idea of our purpose in a corrupt world. Reality's increasing novelty upended people's conformity with the structure of society. Corruption, hypocrisy became too obvious to ignore, however the deeper exposure of the Pseudo Self became ever more elusive.

A balanced view of freedom (freedom to & freedom from) and authentic human connection were forsaken in the pursuit of "liberation" (Critical Theory) from external and internal mechanisms of control. The self-righteous, compulsive Will-to-power manifested itself in the educated, democratic and enlightened intellectuals, professors and students who were seeking to "save the world."

The Superstructure of Capitalism & Communism created the ideal conditions to evade detection and impact the destiny of millions of people. The untraceable origins of the Matrix of Control exposes itself as it transforms and transitions into the next economic model. As global de-dollarization continues, so does the financial restructuring of the anonymous power-groups; they are changing costumes.

The complicitly of both the left and the right is not due to ignorance or secrecy by the Order of Death --rather it's the obvious, the boring reality which we don't want to know about.


The reaction to the the powerful control exercised by Government is inspired by an overriding fear, self-censorship and in some a deep irrational admiration.

The disruptive, radical ideas of the past continue to haunt us like dark clouds over the horizon. The dilapidated virtues of the Left and the Right have descended into self-indulgence and irrelevance meanwhile the political class continues dominating the trajectory of society.

A few of us "awakened in a series of events," by simply feeling through the darkness and choosing to remember to connect with being.


Tragically, the majority of people who are "awakened" by cataclysmic events return to slumber gradually as they settle back to business as usual.

The underlying structure of their individual psyche is not a self-created, sustainable reality. They forgot to focus their energy in the creation of their being, the embodying of the IDEAL...they forgot themselves in IDEOLOGY. They became like every other person who reacts to the CURRENT THING.

Despite people's general failures to delineate reality and proactively give meaning to their life the individual can still persist through the drought of meaning and continue to thrive; not for fame, not for utopia or to escape freedom either.

The 21st Century, the Apocalypse of the Self?

The Spectacle is not reality but an outcome of a centralized process to create a dream-like reality to hold humanity captive. From funding major institutions, controlling networks of corporations and the establishment of of international monopolies --the outgrowth of coercion, corruption and control is the sign of the times.

Ultimately, most world events are seemingly out of our individual control and yet our reaction means more than the gloomy outcomes. The influence we exercised over our subjective reality is misappropriated in reacting to the Spectacle instead in the creation of spontaneous freedom and abundance. Losing ourselves in the headlines dispels our personal personal power to ACTIVELY create the world around us.

As the 20th century is left in the past one may recognize the patterns, the economic forces and the usual suspects which continue to shape the outcomes of major events in history and the crucial connection to our Escape from Self. The realization of our own individual reality being introjected by the major transformative force of economic models, history and geopolitics is a matter of fact. However, the emotional history of humanity needs to be emphasized as a matter of being and time.

The Journey Within

Whether we take the Right or the Left Approach it is up to the Individual to contextualize their own.jpg

A deep part of the self is buried in the psycho-social storm of Apocalyptic Tales. We are suspicious of everything ,everyone and most especially in our own abilities to forge a unique path.

The transformative experience in waking life shape our dreams, our beliefs and impacts us in such a way to influence the essence of our inner-being. Our dreams, memories and ideas are shaped, conditioned by the Spectacle and to reclaim this power one must retrace their steps.


Somewhere along our life-path we began to be hypnotized, seduced by the Carnival and became comfortable with Illusions. Consensus reality creates for us an outlet to retreat, to escape and forget the essence of being.

Somewhere within DREAMS resides the the immortal self, the ineffable experience of knowing who you are.

The process of Reclaiming Our Power is the act of connecting with your dreams, with your feelings and the impact of your personal relationships. Everything and everyone is connected, however the INDIVIDUAL is the Original Point of Observation.

The only experience which is real is felt through a single heart and not shared with a multitude or even fully communicable with Others. Language limits the translation of our inner-reality into words, and yet paradoxically we can come into AWARENESS of Self & Others with INTUITION (without words).

The growing Awareness of Self enriches our understanding of life and its underlying network of connections.

The development of intuition is my personal goal and it continues to inspire to me continue producing the COMBO Show. The podcast, the videos and my articles is my way of creating meaningful connections and solutions with my friends and the world. The the show has allowed me to broadcast my ongoing personal realizations which confesses my persistent drive to create meaning in the world.


From my personal experience with communities, activism and localized solutions our retreat into the Principle of Pleasure, the Commodification of Self with Automated Manipulation is the process from which the hyper-real image of reality becomes more attractive than self-created reality.

The next chapter in our journey with the Show, the Community and for myself is to overcome the limitations of scarcity, alienation and promote the solution by embodying the principles of life and freedom. The time and energy the COMBO community has invested in creating a mutual-aid network will unfold throughout next year.

Sourcing our reality based on the center of our being, and choosing to disconnect from the Spectacle is simply the first step.
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