How Successful Are You As An Entrepreneur?

Happy Thursday to you my fellow entrepreneurs. I hope you all had a great night's rest. Mine was great as well.

It's my second time posting in this community, and I hope I'm welcome.

How far have you gone with your businesses as entrepreneurs? And how successful, have you become over these years?

This is a serious question, which demands a positive response.

Today, I will be deliberating on the topic: How successful are you as an entrepreneur? I want to pass a clear message to you. Maybe no one did this, but I want to give it a try.



A successful entrepreneur is someone who has a clear vision for his or her business. He's someone who goes in search of little opportunities and not one who waits for opportunities to knock on his or her door before action can be taken.

These define what an entrepreneur should look like.

It's always a pity when I have conversations with some entrepreneurs about their businesses, and the responses I get from them are always disgusting.

You will hear someone who claims to be an entrepreneur telling you that business is not all about effort, but rather, it's done through connections.

The picture they always try to depict in my mind is that I should not work harder, but rather, I should sit back and look up to people who can help me take my business to a greater height.

My dear friends, an entrepreneur, is not supposed to have such hazy views when it comes to business. He or She must always believe in his or her ability, and not in other people's ability.

What can they offer you? If I may ask, nothing. The way things are going in today's world has taught me a lesson, and I hope it has taught you a lesson as well.

Let me share my experience with you, and how I got to be successful. Of course, it was not a day job. It took me a whole year before I was able to achieve something tangible.

I have two uncles, who promised to help me. There was a certain business I wanted to embark on, but I didn't have enough funds.

I had no other option than to approach them. They asked me to go and make some inquiries about the business, and I did.

I gave them the feedback, and they promised to give me some money to start up the business. Do you know, right from that day, my uncles have not said anything to me about the money they said they would give me?

When I informed my father about their actions, He laughed at me. He spoke to me in parables. He said, don't hang your clothes where you cannot remove them.

I didn't understand what he meant by that. So, he interpreted it. He told me not to be relying on people for help, but I should try, as much as possible, to help myself.

I, asked him how? And he said I should do that by being creative. I should start using my hands, to work, and I will see the outcome.

So, I forgot about those promises and I began to do something spectacular, and here I am today.

So, what I'm trying to say is that you should stop depending on people for your success because they're not the ones who have the key to your success. You're the one, with the key to your success.

If you say your success, should be locked for seventeen years, so will it be. And, if you say your success should be unlocked in one day, it will surely happen.

There's power in your tongue. Speak into your Businesses. Be optimistic about your goals. Never think you cannot be successful without people's backup. I bet you, you can still be successful without them.

Focus and determination, are what will make you a successful entrepreneur. Think of how to market your products and how to fix prices so they won't affect your customers.

Think big, dream big.

Thank you for reading till the end.

I remain your favorite girl, @joyben.

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