I Found My Original Chest Piece Drawing!

I was looking for tax papers - or something equally lame - when I stumbled across this old scrapper!

I drew this when I was still in the army, between my first and second tours. It was a prayer. At the time I was young and was concerned that I might die before finding love. This song (below) was definitely an influence. I got the outline tattooed shortly after I drew it at a tattoo shop in Kansas (roughly 2002/2003), and I got it colored in at a tattoo shop in Germany, by a rad dude with the flames of Prometheus inked across his face. I was hungover and scarfing down day-old Taco Bell the whole three hours…good times.

…and luckily, my prayer worked out. Not only did I come home alive, but I am one of those fortunate souls who was lucky enough to find real love in this crazy world - and I still got the tattoo to remember how badly I once wanted what I now have…and it still looks pretty decent after almost 20 years :)

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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