A wild tattoo appears: The Chuckypede!


Just wanted to stop by here and share my most recent tattoo I got a few weeks ago. If you follow me you may have noticed I have a few bug tattoos themed around slasher movie characters. So, I decided to continue that motif with getting a centipede tattoo leading to this wacky little guy. I've been watching the Childs Play and Chucky movies since I was a kid (Probably not appropriate thinking back on it retroactively, but I think my mom just had good movie tastes and wasn't no punk ass bitch.), so I knew I definitely wanted to get something with him tattooed on me eventually. There was a few different ideas for the design but we ended up settling on this classic chucky look for the head and arms. Originally we were going to go with a deep cut reference of just a metal skull with teeth (Childs Play 2 reference), but I figured it's too deep of a cut and even with the colors on the centipede body matching his clothes. I'm glad we vetoed that idea though I still think it would have just looked like a rad tattoo.

I will say that the reactions I've received to this tattoo have definitely been polarizing which was been fun to see. I've gotten anything from "Ugh, that gives me the heebie jeebies" and "Ew that has way too many legs" to "Hahahahaha, that's awesome" and even my partners take of "He's so cute!". Overall I really enjoy this weird tattoo. (Somehow this is only the second weirdest tattoo that I have which is funny to think about.) And, I'm stoked that I'm back to the chair in July to grab a tattoo for my birthday. Soon, I shall be taken over by tattoos and eventually devolve into a pile of sentient ink.

But, anywho. Just dropping by to show off a bit. Hope that whoever is reading this is doing well.

Until next time. Later!

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