Tattoo Tuesday: Aka, here's my new ink and that's the best title my lazy ass could come up with.

Yes, that's right. I'm not a god damn husk of a human being huddled in the corner blair witch style. I am in fact still alive, excuse my inactivity as I've just not been feeling it lately. But, I'm slowly shaking the rust off my brain and trying to get back to making random content. Anywho, I figured I'd abuse the fact that it's tuesday and share some tattoos to make a totally witty post title that isn't corny as fuck. And, this time it's giga special, because not only do I have one tattoo to share, but TWO. That's right, TWO tattoos for Tuesday. God I wanna die. I've been slacking a bit with sharing the first here, as I actually got this done just a few days before Halloween which seems to be a tradition now since I've done it two years in a row. I feel like most of you will have no idea what this is, but that's okay because papa DeadSpace can just fill you in. Hard and fast, baybee. But, the tattoo showcases and references the Sam character from the Trick R' Treat franchise. I decided to base the idea around horror themed Tarot cards that I'd slowly wrap around my leg. This being the first card out of 4-5 cards with something added in to fill up gaps later on.

This was taken right after it was done, so obviously pretty fresh hence the redness. I should have probably taken a good quality pic of it now after it was super healed, but I'll save that for another time as I've considered making a post documenting my tattoos after they've "aged" a bit. Sam was an easy choice for me for this idea, as I'm a dirty dirty wiener dog for Halloween and Trick R' Treat has been a staple movie for when spooky season comes around. The character itself also fits perfectly on a Judgement tarot card, since he's basically judge jury and executioner during Halloween. Clearly showing my genius. On another note though, I'll definitely say leg tattoos are not the most fun, (Especially compared to the experience I had recently with the second tattoo of this post) but definitely worth all the time and pain in the end. But, if it's your first tattoo ever and it's something on the larger side maybe stick to a less pissy area like your forearm or shoulder.

Now onto the second piece I recently got.

Now, this. This is pod racing This hurt like a bitch, specifically the parts of it that are on my wrist. Maybe it's because I've lost a tremendous amount of weight over a span of 2 years, but gyat dayum, boi. That shit felt like lightning hitting my skin, and that's not an exaggeration. By far the most uncomfortable I've ever felt during any of my 9 tattoos. Enough bitching though. This piece is also another semi "themed" piece, though it would be the second. Last Halloween I got a Friday the 13th themed spider done, and while I never planned on getting a bunch of slasher movie themed bugs done, I figured I might as well go hard on it since I already had one. And, one particular slasher movie came to mind, mostly because the OG and the remake are some of the most goofy/fun films ever. Which would be My Bloody Valentine, a low budget slasher movie from the 80's straight from those maple syrup loving sons of bitches in Canada. The movie features a faceless/nameless slasher equipped with coal mining gear on, hence the gas mask and pick axe design in the piece. The OG movie is the most canadian thing I have ever seen and is such a strange little anomaly to me in the slasher world I just loved it. Even the remake is tons of fucking fun for totally different reasons. I'm not sure what exactly but something about the movies just tickles my nipples. So, to go along with the movie theme and title theme, my artist and I decided to go with a different type of bug instead of your typical shit like a spider, scorpion, moth, etc. and choice our good friend, the Kissing Bug.

If you don't know what a kissing bug is, count your blessings. Because, the little fuckers are, well, little fuckers. Since my spider tattoo is tons of purple and blue with neon pink highlights to go with the NES themed F13 game, we decided to do a bit of a contrast with the colors on this piece. Which worked perfectly, as they're also Valentines day themed colors. I've been super stoked with this piece while it's been healing, and while I think the candy heart is going to need a touch up which will be hell, I'm super fucking happy and can't wait to add a few more bugs onto my arms sometime next year.

So, yeah. There you go, you dirty sluts. I hope you've enjoyed eye fucking my tattoos.

Until next time, doods.


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