Index4INDEX Card 142: T D Jakes 1

No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn’t in submission to God!

-- T D Jakes

About the Quote

Women have the same natural rights as men, and in recent decades they have taken their place alongside men in many fields of endeavor. They won't let themselves be led around by just anyone, especially by men of low quality.

If a woman is going to use her free will to choose to let man lead her, that man needs to have it all together. He needs to be disciplined. He needs to be in control of his faculties and body. He needs to know what is right and what is wrong. He needs to be brave in the face of fear. He also needs to demonstrate leadership in times when it's easy to follow the herd.

Like a woman, a man is going to use his free will to choose follow someone who has it all together. Who has it more all together than God? This man knows his place among his fellow men, and he doesn't take a backseat to anyone. Only for God will this man get on his knees as an act of submission.

About T D Jakes

Thomas Dexter Jakes was born in Charleston, West Virginia, US on 1957-June-9.

As young student he was nicknamed "Bible Boy" because he had the habit of bringing his Bible to school and he regularly preached to imaginary audiences.

Just as formative as religion was entrpreneurship. As a young man, T D Jakes delivered newspapers, sold Avon products, and fruits and flowers from his mother's garden. Later he worked full time at one of Union Carbide's chemical plants. While working at Union Carbide, he also spent time at his Baptist church as a part-time music director and part-time evangelist on the street.

In 1982 the chemical plant closed and his father died of kidney disease. This is when T D Jakes decided to devote all his time to ministry in the Charleston area.

-- Source

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