Index4INDEX Card 150: Paulo Coelho 1

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

-- Paulo Coelho

About the Quote

As we work to become better people, we also affect the people around us. If we set the right example with our efforts to improve, then in some way people around us improve as well. Even if they don't, just their own efforts to improve makes the situation better for everyone.

Some Information about Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 1947-August-24.

He is a novelist known for writing in richly symbolic language about characters who embark on spiritually-motivated journeys.

In the early 1980s he traveled through Europe and Africa. One of his journeys took him along the route of Santiago de Compostela (500 miles/800kilometers) of roads first used by pilgrims traveling from France to Spain during the Middle Ages. This journey sparked a renewed interest in Roman Catholicism, and it formed the basis for his first book, O diário de um mago (1987). In 1992 this book was published in English as The Diary of a Magus, and in 1995 it was re-released as The Pilgrimage.

In 1988 Coelho published O alquimista (The Alchemist). Although the first publisher dropped this book, the next publisher had greater success both in his native Brazil and abroad. This book featured an Andalusian shepherd boy's journey in search of treasure through North Africa.

-- Source

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