Index4INDEX Card 184: William James 1

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.

-- William James

About the Quote

No matter what we do, our attitudes determine how we go about them and in turn how we approach life.

  • We could be negative and miserable as we do some unpleasant task, or we can be positive responsive to complete that unpleasant task as best as we can.
  • We can be curl up in the fetal position in the face of any adversity we encounter, or we can confront that adversity head-on and come outof the experience stronger.
  • We can have the employee mentality as we go about our work, or we can have the owner mentality as we make work better than when we found it.

The attitudes we have make the difference between losing and winning, between mediocrity and greatness. The situation remains the same when we enter it, but how we leave it depends on our mindsets.

Some Information about William James

William James was born in New York, New York, US on 1842-January-11. He died in Chocorua, New Hampshire, US on 1910-August-26.

William James was philosopher and a psychologist. He was the leader of the philosophical movement known as pragmatism. He also founded the psychological movement of functionalism.

James was educated at home by his father Henry James. His younger brother was also named Henry James; Henry the Younger was the famous novelist.

When William James was 18 he went to study art as a student of William M. Hunt. Within a year James grew tired of studying art, so he matriculated at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University the following year. After completing courses in anatomy, chemistry, and related fields of study, James studied medicine at Harvard Medical School.

James interrupted his medical studies in order to accompany naturalist Louis Agassiz as an assistant on an expedition in the Amazon. During this expedition, James fell ill. On top of that, his duties as an assistant annoyed him.

He returned to Harvard Medical School for a term. During 1867-1868 he went to Germany to study under leading figures in various courses, among them the physicist who formulated the Law of Conservation of Energy, Hermann von Helmholtz.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that's currently just a table. Eventually I will make this spreadsheet searchable.

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