Index4INDEX Card 207: Maria Edgeworth 1

If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.

-- Maria Edgeworth

About the Quote

There can't be a year without months. There can't be months without days. There can't be days without hours. There can't be hours without minutes. Moments tend to be short periods of time of varying lengths, and the whole units of definite time periods can't take place without those moments.

In some team sports, teams play a series of 7 tournament games; first team to win its 4th game wins the series and advances to the next round (or to a parade in their home base). Usually if a team loses the first 3 games of a series it loses the series; winning 4 consecutive games is very difficult.

Winning 1 game? That happens all the time. Winning 2 consecutive games? That doesn't happen without first winning that first game. Repeat this until 4 wins are earned. That 4th win doesn't happen without the first 3 wins. So it is with years and moments.

Some Information about Maria Edgeworth

Maria Edgeworth was born in Blackbourton, England, UK on 1767-January-1. She died in Edgeworthstown, Ireland on 1849-May-22.

Maria Edgeworth was a writer whose themes featured children's stories or Irish life.

She lived in England until she was 15. That was when, in 1782, her family moved to Ireland where her father was managing his estate in Edgeworthstown, County Longford. She assisted her father in this management, and in the process learned about both the the Irish peasantry and the rural economy. This acquired knowledge would form the basis for her future novels.

Life at home was busy, but it was also happy. Knowing of her interest in writing, her father encouraged her to write in the common sitting room. This is where she had a built-in audience of 21 siblings. In 1796, Maria Edgeworth published these stories as a book titled The Parent's Assistant.

The last author who included children as an integral part of literature was William Shakespeare. It took Maria Edgeworth to resume utilizing this feature in literature.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.

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