Index4INDEX Card 220: Henry Ford 3

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

-- Henry Ford

About the Quote

Many things we do are done as part of a team. Whether it's family, school, sports, work, or any other unit, we're part of that team. At first we find out what roles we have as well as the roles of our teammates. If things go well, we stay together as a unit to continue in a quest to reach a goal. Reaching that goal is not only a reward in itself, but it also shows how well the team worked together during the quest to reach that goal.

When teams are assembled, there's no guarantee that the team will stay together as assembled. Members who don't work well with others are let go, and new members are brought into the team. This process repeats until a stable assembly of team members is found. Reaching this stage as a team is progress.

Once the team as proven to be productive is formed, it has to find ways to reach the ultimate goal. Each stage reached toward that goal is a success, and each setback is an opportunity to learn from it in order to do better going forward. When everything falls into place after preparation and hard work are given by all team members, the ultimate goal is reached.

Some Information about Henry Ford

Henry Ford was born in Wayne County, Michigan, US on 1863-July-30. He died in Dearborn, Michigan, US on 1947-April-7.

Henry Ford is famous for introducing assembly-line methods to manufacturing plants for industrial products. This helped to popularize the automobile. The automobile company which bears his name continues manufacturing automotive vehicles to this day as one of The Big 3 car makers in the United States.

As a teenager he tinkered with machines of various sizes. At 16 he found work in machine shops in Detroit. While he worked in Detroit machine shops when he wasn't helping his father on the family farm, he encountered the internal combustion engine. When he was at home, Ford tinkered in a machine shop he set up for himself. One of his first machines was small "farm locomotive" which was a tractor made from an old mower. This farm locomotive used a steam engine Ford made specifically for it.

Ford married Clara Bryant in 1888. On 1893-November-6 Clara Ford gave birth to their only child, Edsel Bryant Ford. When son Edsel was one month old, Henry Ford was anmed chief engineer at the main power plant for Detroit Edison Company. Being on call 24 hours a day, he had no regular office hours; this allowed Ford to tinker and experiment as he desired. By the end of 1893 he had completed work on his first working gasoline-powered vehicle.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.

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