Index4INDEX Card 241: Shannon Miller 2

Other people may not have had high expectations for me... but I had high expectations for myself.

-- Shannon Miller

For more about Shannon Miller, keep reading....


About the Quote

We all want people in our corner supporting us. We all want fans cheering for us. Wel all want people to have high expectations for us as we embark on a quest to achieve success.

That won't always happen, especially after we've peaked and begun the downward descent. At that stage of life, we're lucky if people give us a chance to get out of bed on the right foot in the morning.

While we won't stay at our peak forever, we should still achieve at a high level regardless of whatever we do. As long as we meet standards-- especially those we set for ourselves higher than those set for others-- we will do well. Even if people stop believing that we can meet those standards, we have it within ourselves to continue to meet those high expectations.

When we fail to have high expectations for ourselves, then it's time for us to depart the scene. By that time, the mental game is already lost, so there is no sense in devoting time and effort when the mind won't follow. Even if we're long past our prime, we always have the chance to succeed when we satisfy high expectations we set for ourselves.


Some (More) Information about Shannon Miller

At the 1991 World Championships, Shannon Miller became the first American female gymnast to qualify for all for individual events. She won 2 silver medals: one for the uneven bars, and one for the team competition.

As a member of the Olympic team which competed at the 1992 Barcelona Summer Games, Miller did even better, winiing five medals. She won 2 Silver Medals (the all-around competition and the balance beam). She also won 3 Bronze Medals (team competition, uneven bars, and floor exercise).

Shannon Miller went on to dominate women's gymnastics in 1993 and 1994. At the 1993 World Championships, she won 3 gold medals (all-around competition, floor exercise, and uneven bars). In 1994 she won 2 World Championship gold medals not only by defending her title as all-around champion but also by winning the balance beam event. The US women's gymnastics team had also won the silver medal at the 1994 World Championships.

Adversity came later in 1994 when she was defeated at the 1994 Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, Russia when she failed to win the all-around title. At the national gymnastics championships, Miller lost three gold medals to future Olympic teammate Dominique Dawes. By that time, Shannon Miller was 17 years old and 5 feet (nearly 1.5 meters) tall; by gymnastics standards, she was long in the tooth. This concern was strengthened by failure to win any individual medals at the 1995 World Championships; the lone bronze medal he won came by being part of the team competition.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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