The Bundle Of Beans Diaries - Day 1 - So Much Love!


Cute little Haba

A home filled with love

Yesterday we woke up and the kittens had been amazing throughout the night! They ate some, drank some, peed and pooped some and I even heard them play too. But what they did not do was climb the playpen as they do during the day so they were super kind guests respecting our night rest, thank you little beans!

It was not hard waking up with a smile the first morning when 5 kittens see you and start meowing for attention. They were amazing during the first night, but I have no clue if that would have gone the same in case I didn't have the bright moment to buy the playpen I found online very last minute. Thankfully, I did and this way we can keep them safe even if we have to go for groceries. Of course, everything is now planned around their needs, and times are not set in stone.

I'm writing down their eating and sleeping times though, just in case there turns out to be a pattern, that way I can make my own schedule around it a bit easier. I was smart enough to work ahead a bit before we picked them up on Sunday, which turned out to be a good move, as they are a handful (of joy).

Proud moments

Even though this is just day one of the kittens being in our care, we already had a few proud moments to share. The first one that ended up using the scratching post for the first time (here) was Frijole:


The first one to sleep on the pillow we bought for them was Haba:

Day 1 - Haba (3).jpg

As you can see Haba has a runny eye. We have been cleaning that since yesterday evening.


The first one to use the litterbox was Garbanzo, she did it a bit before this picture was taken, I even took a picture of her poop #proudfostermama :)

Adorable moments

I noticed I didn't have great pictures of all of them the first day, simply because I was still trying to keep them from each other in terms of the tabby ones looking alike. I still have trouble recognizing Alubia straight away, while I instantly recognize the other tabbies. What a shame because Alubia is such a cut cuddle friend who loves to purr very loud too!


Keeping the foster families informed

On the first day, I was constantly sending the foster families pictures on Whatsapp but as they obviously ask questions and love to be updated (which is logical) it also became quite exhausting to first sync all pictures and videos, then watch them, check for the best ones and also make sure which kittens were in there to send all of the families great pictures of their soon to be a family member.

I'm trying to narrow that down to twice a day max, unless something really has to be shared, of course. Taking care of the kittens is my priority for now and the rest will have to wait a bit sometimes. I'm also trying to adapt to the situation myself still, it will take a few more days before I get back into a good routine probably. Until then I'm juggling around their schedule!

Not one doubt about doing this though, they are adorable and it's a rewarding job. I can't even think about what their destiny would have been if they weren't found in time. I believe they were a week old when they arrived after someone found them in the garbage. Can you imagine? I can't. This is reality though, it's horrible. Glad they are alive and kicking today!

Thanks for following the bundle of beans diaries, see you tomorrow!

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