On cycling the Tour de France; A competition on life and death!


Cycling Tour de France is a hard distance of all the distances that are available. And we are testing in different issues like for instance shape, fitness, endurance and being fast. We cannot relax anything when doing the rides, and we are cycling when training and when doing competition. And we can do cycling all the day and all the night around.

People have cycled to death in Tour de France. And many results are impressive, and we must cycle fast during all the ride. Several cyclists from Norway have done it well like for example Dag Otto Lauritzen, Alexander Kristoff, Thor Hushovd and many more. And today we are experiencing that the Danish cyclists are doing it well, and it is nice when we see that Denmark is making it great when thinking about all the competitive strategies of nations, and that we are just ourselves, and the strategies are inside ourselves when doing these things, and one strategy is the quality and cycling fast per meter, and the quantity is also important when having all the rides we are cycling alone and together with other persons from any nations, and Tour de France is cycled with the best cyclists from every nation, and we must lead the ride ourselves, and we cannot be fat and bad trained, and the lifestyle determines our results, and we should not celebrate too much in life, when living the life just like it is.

Some persons have died during the ride, and maybe the first 10 cyclists on the result list during the period when Lance Amstrong were active and doped. Maybe, the first 20! And some persons have used drugs during the ride, and therefore you are going to make pressure as high as possible when doing the bike ride as fast as possible. So, when doing anything in life, there is something that is sensible and something is stupid, and we are doing experiments with our bodies, and we should be known and highly ranked on the result list. And the ride is about many factors; The cyclist and his shape, the weather, the bike, and the suit, the helmet and the glasses about how to do things as fast as possible, and not being bad in management and in movements with using the body! And it is better to be slim than to be too big; The bigger you are, the worser it is to get good results! And we should not accept all things that people are doing, but the most sensible thing is to do the best when you have the possibility, and education is also up in Tour de France, and we should be the best and the fastest in studies, and we should not be too slow and doing things in stupid manners in relation to experiences and studies and research. And we cannot do things that are mess and confusion, and we should use the brain in the brain waves just as they are coming, and the better we can use the brain, and the faster we are, the better we are. And we cannot lead something to hell, but we should be reflected, and doing the right things, and doing things right in the rides that we are within, and the cycle we are using has much to say about the time and pleasure that we are making.

Tour de France 2022 started in Copenhagen, and there were cycling in Denmark for three days, and there are 350 kilometers from Hirtshals to the border between Denmark and Germany. And after that, there is cycling in France, therefore the name Tour de France, and the cycling is on high level, and there are long distances with hills, straight stretches and downhills. And there are many French castles that have been there since long time back in time. And it is exciting, and we can do the examinations on our own, and together with other people. And many audiences are watching the ride, and there are also cars around the cyclists, and before the cyclists, and after the cyclists. And we need to use competitive advantages of nations, and corporative strategies to focus on our strenghts, and not being engaged with our weaknesses, and that is the philosophy in life, and we are doing things that we are strong within. And anybody is just a body, and we should require people to be good at all levels in schools, and we should do our best in organizations, and framing the different rides just as we like, and there are several jerseys to win when doing the ride. And we are born in different places. And we always notice the ride in our crotch, and that is the philosophy of how the body is functioning, and we must cycle as fast as we can to every time, and sometimes some are going in jerk, and otherwise we are cycling in the main field. And people are coming from small and large places where they are coming!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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