Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Tech Quotes New Study: "COVID-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with vitamin D3 status". You NEED Vit. D. To Prevent COVID19.

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccine technology that is being used to allegedly fight COVID19. He has been a strong critic of the current COVID19 vaccines and basically says they are dangerous and shouldn't be used. He regularly shares insightful studies and today highlighted a new meta analysis which reiterates clearly that Vitamin D is a fundamental factor when it comes to preventing and treating COVID19.

Vitamin D in treatment and prevention for COVID19 is nothing new, it has been mentioned by Doctors and researchers that have not been bought off by big pharma influence since the beginning. Somehow though it is never mentioned by government agents.. Hmm.. I wonder why!?

The study, titled COVID-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with vitamin D3 status, and a mortality rate close to zero could theoretically be achieved at 50 ng/ml 25(OH)D3: Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis is not yet peer reviewed but is also not really controversial in it's findings. Vitamin D deficiency is well documented in many parts of the world and in Gt. Britain, for example, it is virtually impossible to receive enough sunlight to generate enough of the Vitamin D hormone naturally to ensure sufficient supplies are present for healthy immunity.

The full text of the study offers a fascinating insight into the role of Vitamin D for health:

Vitamin D turned out to be a powerful epigenetic regulator, influencing more than 2500 genes [38] and impacting dozens of our most serious health challenges [39], including cancer [40,41], diabetes mellitus [42], acute respiratory tract infections [43], chronic inflammatory diseases [44] and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis [45].

source: Borsche et al

The study makes clear that Vitamin D knowledge has long been known and essentially denied:

Long before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, an increasing number of scientific publications showed the effectiveness of a sufficient vitamin D3 blood level in curing many of the human diseases caused by a weak or unregulated immune system [37,57–59]. This includes all types of virus infections [43,60–68,180], with a main emphasis on lung infections that cause ARDS [69–71], as well as autoimmune diseases [45,62,72,73]. However, routine vitamin D3 testing and supplementation are still not established today. Unfortunately, it seems that the new findings about vitamin D3 have not been well accepted in the medical community. Many official recommendations to define vitamin D3 deficiency still stick to the 20 ng/ml established 100 years ago to cure rickets [74].

source: Borsche et al

It is highlighted that the medical community typically lacks correct and up to date understandings about Vitamin D safety and efficacy, leading to it not being valued highly enough:

daily vitamin D3 supplementation in the range of 4000 to 10,000 units (100 to 250 μg) needed to generate an optimal vitamin D3 blood level in the range of 40–60 ng/ml has been shown to be completely safe when combined with approximately 200 μg/ml vitamin K2 [78–80]. However, this knowledge is still not widespread in the medical community, and obsolete warnings about the risks of vitamin D3 overdoses unfortunately are still commonly circulating.

source: Borsche et al

They go as far as to say that correct understanding of the role of Vitamin D in COVID19 is akin to the important discovery of it's role in the treatment of rickets in the past:

Based on these circumstances, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is becoming the second breakthrough in the history of vitamin D3 association with disease (after rickets), and we have to ensure that full advantage is being taken of its medical properties to keep people healthy. The most life-threatening events in the course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are ARDS and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). It is well established that vitamin D3 is able to inhibit the underlying metabolic pathways [81,82] because a very specific interaction exists between the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infection and vitamin D3:

source: Borsche et al

Specific benefits of D3 for the immune system include:

  • Vitamin D decreases the production of Th1 cells. Thus, it can suppress the progression of inflammation by reducing the generation of inflammatory cytokines [72,89,90].
  • Vitamin D3 reduces the severity of cytokine release syndrome (CRS). This “cytokine storm” causes multiple organ damage and is therefore the main cause of death in the late stage of SARS- CoV-2 infection. The systemic inflammatory response due to viral infection is attenuated by promoting the differentiation of regulatory T cells [91–94].
  • Vitamin D3 induces the production of the endogenous antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (LL-37) in macrophages and lung epithelial cells, which acts against invading respiratory viruses by disrupting viral envelopes and altering the viability of host target cells [51,95–100].
  • Experimental studies have shown that vitamin D and its metabolites modulate endothelial function and vascular permeability via multiple genomic and extragenomic pathways [101,102].
  • Vitamin D reduces coagulation abnormalities in critically ill COVID-19 patients [103–105].

source: Borsche et al

They conclude that low Vitamin D levels are causal in the COVID19 disease, rather than just being a by-product of it:

These results from independent datasets, which include data from before and after the onset of the disease, also further strengthen the assumption of a causal relationship between vitamin D3 blood levels and SARS-CoV-2 death rates.

source: Borsche et al

The discussion towards the end of the study provides excellent and detailed insights into the way that PCR testing relates to actual disease, the likely data errors that PCR testing introduces and the way that this all factors in to assessing the role of Vitamin D.

They go as far as to speculate that proper Vitamin D levels may reduce COVID19 death to ZERO:

Thus, we hypothesize that long-standing supplementation with D3 preceding acute infection will reduce the risk of a fatal outcome to practically nil and generally mitigate the course of the disease.

source: Borsche et al

They advise everyone, including the vaccinated to raise their Vitamin D levels:

As future mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may not be susceptible to the acquired immunity from vaccination or from a preceding infection, the entire population should raise their serum vitamin D level to a safe level as soon as possible.

source: Borsche et al

A blood level of 50ng / ml of Vitamin D is presented as the ideal for most people:

At a threshold level of 30 ng/ml, mortality decreases considerably. In addition, our analysis shows that the correlation for the combined datasets intersects the axis at approximately 50 ng/ml, which suggests that this vitamin D3 blood level may prevent any excess mortality. These findings are supported not only by a large infection study, showing the same optimum, but also by the natural levels observed in traditional people living in the region where humanity originated from that were able to fight down most (not all) infections in most (not all) individuals.

source: Borsche et al

So PLEASE, next time you see/hear someone saying that experimental gene therapy shots are the only possible way to stay safe from COVID19, please remember this article and study. Please read it, please adopt Vitamin D supplementation into your life if needed!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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