
It is indeed an undeniable fact that every child is born with a talent, you might not know what your talent is/are but the fact is that we were created with talent and that makes talent one of our inbuilt qualities....

There are cases where people don't know what their talents are and they think they don't have anything special about them, the reason they haven't discovered their talent yet is because they don't know how to or they haven't gotten to the phase of TALENT DISCOVERY yet....

For one to discover his or her talent at a very early age, it takes the grace of God, not everyone gets that opportunity and for those who didn't discover it on time, it takes them years to bring it out, train it and become perfect in it but at the end, they made sure their talent was discovered and in this case their years of training was CROWNED ..


Talking about talent discovery, i was lucky enough to be amongst those child who were able to discover their talents at a very young age, i discovered my talent back in my junior secondary school days and that should be about 7-8 years ago...


I was barely 11 years old when i discovered i had talents buried inside of me, yes that is the fact guys, i discovered i wasn't blessed with only one talent, i was indeed blessed with three talents but i was able to work on two of my talents perfectly and i utilized them greatly...

I was in jss2 when i realized i had talents in writing, when i talk about writing, i mean i can get you a story from one or two visible events and then write it down in form of a storybook or i can write you an imaginative story with lots of event and when i finish it, you won't be able to distinguish if it was imaginative or real....


I was able to discover this talent because i sat down to challenge myself, back in my junior secondary school days, i have always loved reading story books, i hardly have time to read novels because i see them back then as time consuming but i rather fell in love with the likes of Ade and the snake princess, The lost prince and his evil step mother, The hunter and his lost dog, The war between step sisters, The lost crown and many more..

These were the type of story books i read back then, i love it because of the number count and in those days, story books like this sells very fast and after reading one particular storybook THE SUCCESSFUL FARMER, i sat down to look at the book in and out, virtually my classmates own this book, the fact is that someone like me wrote this book, so why can't i just write my own story based on this fiction and imagination and then i can also make money in one or two ways...

These were my thoughts then, but i had to scrap the money part out for a starter to gain attention and that night i draft my own story based on fiction, using all the format in the story books i have read and i made just two photocopy because i had a friend whose elder brother own's a laptop and a printer back then..


I finished very late and the next day i gave it to my best friend and his group to read during our long break and i gave the other copy to my closest female friend and her geng to read and i had the master copy with me...

Lo and behold, i ended the storybook with a shocker, it had part two and when they all finished reading it, they were like give me the other part and i could see the suspense was killing them, they wanted to know how it ended and i couldn't give them in writing and that was how i gathered them in a circle and concluded my story...

I knew they would want to finish it and i used a writers tactics to get more attention, seeing the circle they started joining one after the other and from 7 listeners, i got half my whole class interested in my story, they were about 25 students...


From that progress i decided to stop writing because of resources and then i decided to move to ORAL STORY TELLING, i became an imaginative story teller and then constant usage made me upgrade and i became better at what i do and presently, i am telling you that as a writer i can get you @ least 500 words on any topic of your choice provided that it is within my experience and even without experiencing it, i can work with my intellects and imagination and get you a write up

This is not being proud and boastful, i am able to do this because i discovered my talent at a young age and then i utilized it completely that i can now write any genres of stories...

The second talent was also the same way, you might find it funny lolz, but i actually discovered i could sing from my home, thanks to my elder sister who doesn't let me rest when rehearsing and slowly i started grasping all her songs and skills and one day my sister caught me singing and she was woowed and we decided to take the song together and it was impeccable and it proved useful to me in the future..


Sooner than later, something happened in school one day, i was 12 years back then, the prefects were not around that day and we needed someone to lead the assembly, nobody came out, i think they were all shy and i was forced to lead the whole school and at the end of the day, i was given a prefectship badge and that was how my singing career started..

I started from school and headed into church to become a chorister and so far so good, my groups and i have been to 7 churches for presentation and it was all impeccable, i don't stress my voice and i went for something perfect for myself with constant training and now i can play on songs even in my dream...

Everyone can sing but they are not trained, i can sing because i have the voice and i was also trained, we have some people are blessed with a good voice and singing ability and i think that is beautiful..


In summary, i got to discover my talent at a very early stage and young age now see where it has taken me, i am now a blogger on the hive blockchain with skills and also a chorister who has visited many churches and also lead others in performance all thanks to my talent..

In conclusion, i discovered my talent after challenging myself in different fields, you need to sit and think deeply about that thing you can do without having to pause, that thing you just cannot stop doing everywhere, think deep and then discover it, it is your talent and then utilize it completely to your betterment...


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