
There are some certain things one need to accept as a constant factor in life and the earlier you accept it the better it is for you..
One of this constant factor in life is REJECTION, as we all know, rejection doesn't only occur in relationship, there is rejection in business( it can be a proposal/work related rejection) and competition wise...

Well out of all the rejections i have experienced, business and competition are not included but in relationship, i have experienced about two rejections in relationship and i could say out of those two ships i tried to enter, only one left me with pain and heartbreak...

I am going to share something very personal and serious with you today, if i am to tell you the number of girls i have asked out since i came to understand what relationship is, i will tell you i have only asked 3 GIRLS OUT in my life and two of them rejected me but one accepted me...

Join me as i take you on a quick and brief journey of the rejections i had in relationship:



When i was in my senior secondary class i meant SS1 to be precised, i have always wanted to feel belong and among, if you went to high school you will understand what i am saying better...

My friends were having multiple girlfriends back then but i acted like it didn't matter to me but deep down i wanted to be like them, i wanted to enjoy and experience what being in relationship is and what joy it brings into ones life because my friends in relationships are always happy and fun about it..

Seeing this as it is, it made me much more interested to call someone my girlfriend but i was trying to form strong boy but one thing people don't know about me is that i lack courage...


The courage to woo a lady face to face is one of my phobias as a person, i have always been someone who considered myself as UGLY because i am dark in complexion and seeing how fair skinned guys are fresh especially ones with PINK LIPS..

The only thing i had back then was my pink lips but i couldn't bring myself to join the train until a girl came into my life and cause an UPROAR and left me to find peace all by myself...

In my ss2 i came across a tall fair skin girl like me, she was in the same department as me, she came from the other branch , she was beautiful, hairy, tall, fair, brilliant and also outspoken, it was an attraction at first sight for me the day she was introduced..


Weeks later, we were put together in a task and seeing as she was a physics guru, i decided to let her take over the task because physics is one of my achilles heel as a science student...

That task brought us closer and together we made the project a success and after that day we became closer and we started talking and fortunately for her we stay in the same neighborhood and that made us to be going home together..

We started going home together and i had already let go of my attraction of her, we started going home together and she started developing interest in my life...


She started asking me some personal questions about my single life, my past relationships, my crushes, my likes and choice of girls and the reason why i am not with someone, i never knew her games and plans and i fell into her traps..

After then she asked for my contacts and social media handles, when i was sick, she came to my house to check up on me, entertain me and to brief me up on school happenings, she even wrote half of my notes for me, asking me if i have eaten whenever she chats me up..

This left me with only one conclusion, she was the only girl who came to check me often and call me up from time to time, i started liking her right from my sick bed and it developed into something more but i wasn't really sure of her feelings for me...


I didn't know what her feeling was and most importantly i was scared of rejection, i decided to take it slow until we ended up playing a game of T or D and i decide to ask her if she has feelings for someone and she said yes....

Hearing this made my heart skipped a bit not knowing what i was up for, i decided to shoot my shot soon and that was when i have fully recovered, the days she didn't come to check me felt like a plus one on sick bed..

I missed her more and now i have fallen deeply for her and then after some weeks i resumed school and decided to ask her out, i went to her in our lunch break and i could barely say three words, i was shy and she was just sitting beside me smiling as i find the words..


Finally i was able to say something to her and after thanking her lolz, i decided to tell her how we came to be together and i said the word i like you gift and she just smiled and went away...

This left me with two thoughts, positive and negative, i decided to try again online and then my hopes was shattered into pieces by her next words, she told me she will think about it and it made me happy a bit...

7 days turned to 14 days and then a month without feedback and then i decided to chat her up and she told me she isn't ready to be in a relationship with a laugh emoji, i got so broken and went to her in reality and then she told me to my face..


I DON'T LIKE YOU SEYI and then my heart got broken and it was at this moment i felt like crying but i couldn't, i had to run outside to hurt myself by hitting the wall with my fist..

The pain wasn't enough and then i went to the class to sleep, the next day everything ended, our friendship and partnership ended and she started snubbing me, that was how i ended up broken and since that day i decided never to ask a girl out again...


I decided to leave everything the way it was and moved on with a broken heart, after some months, i found out that there was someone who actually was expecting me to show her such love, i didn't see her because i was blinded by a false green light...


After the heartbreak, i decided to see girls as players, i now started doing the things i love more than spending some false time with the girls in my group, i listened to musics a lot, watched more movies on how to detect a female player..

I told my friends about this and they made jest of me but they made me understand that my flaws that other people see and hate is what others would cherish and accept easily and until i find a girl who loves these flaws, i will always get rejected...

This made me think if i will ever find such, after some months i found her and she became my remedy, she was feisty, hot, short, beautiful and outspoken, we started off as a big enemy and then we later became closer after taking exams together and one thing lead to another and i told her how my heart was broken by someone...


She said something that melted my heart that day, and that was i see no harm in dating a guy like you, you are dark skinned, tall, smart and intelligent and also very troublesome..

These melted my heart and immediately all the pains in my heart reduced and then i started crushing on her and that was how i had to start my own investigation of how she felt, i don't want to be left broken like in the past...

She became my consolation, she helped me overcome my hurt and pain by showing me true love, she accepted me with my flaws and i asked her out and she took the same process but this time, i got a YES from her after making her fall for me too...


In summary, she helped me overcome my hurt and pain by listening to me when i needed someone, she consoled me and made me feel important, she was my friend and that was how she became my girlfriend then...

In conclusion, talking to someone who understands you truly heals all wound and mine turned out to be the best solution and i recovered from heartbreak to find love closer than i thought, she accepted this tall dark skinned guy with nothing but pink lips..

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