Hive donates its 2nd borehole to Asamang Community to improve water problems.


The hive ecosystem has once again excelled as it unveiled a second borehole to the Asamang village in Ghana today, in addition to the first borehole which was launched last week. The hive ecosystem has provided the Asamang village with two significant contemporary water supply systems. Every society has a basic need for the supply of secure and pure water. In Ghana, where the bulk of the population resides, getting access to clean water is still difficult in many remote regions. However, the effective recent introduction of an empowerment initiative by Hive in a town in Ghana has provided the locals with much-needed respite.

The hive ecosystem, committed to giving communities in need sustainable solutions, realized how important it was for the Asamang community to have access to clean water. Hive has successfully inaugurated its second drilling, which has become a source of joy for the locals, thanks to diligent planning and cooperation with the community leaders.

It took a team effort to get the drilling going, and the neighborhood was essential. The borehole's best position was chosen by the community officials, who also gave the digging operation the required backing. The borehole and other structures, including the water-holding reservoir, and all components of the system were fully sponsored and catered for by the hive ecosystem.







The neighborhood has been significantly impacted by the borehole's opening. The prevalence of infectious illnesses, which were a major problem in most villages, has greatly decreased as a result of the accessibility to pure water. The community members can now participate in income-generating activities that were previously difficult due to a shortage of water thanks to the borehole.

The borehole has primarily helped the women and children of the village, who were most impacted by the absence of pure water. Women will have more time for other pursuits because they won't have to travel far in quest of water. Since they are no longer required to skip school in order to collect water, children's punctuality and academic results will be improved.










Despite the fact that there were a few drizzles today, we were still able to organize everyone for a successful experience. The opening of the borehole has been advantageous for the ecosystem as well through various media exposure. The locals are no longer forced to obtain their water from waterways or streams, which were frequently contaminated by human activity. A dependable and durable supply of pure water has been made available by the borehole, decreasing reliance on natural resources.






However, Hive's effective making of boreholes in a Ghanaian village has resulted in a lot of good things. The launch ceremony will help disseminate the word of hive throughout Ghana and beyond. Thanks to the many media figures and hive-branded merchandise that were present for this course. The residents' standard of living will be increased and thanks to the accessibility of pure water, which will make it possible for them to participate in income-generating activities. Hive and the local authorities worked together to find lasting answers to some of the most urgent societal issues in the community. This launch's success is anticipated to serve as an example for other towns in Ghana and elsewhere.


hive and community leaders

Project : Construction of borehole
Location : Asamang (Ghana, West Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hive.

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