I Am Alive - Day 122


Home!!!!!! Finally back in my own bed!

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If you've been following my blogs for the past few weeks, you know that my stepfather was seriously ill and in the ICU.
Since we live far from the hospital, we spent the last 6 weeks staying with relatives who live near the hospital. By "we" I mean me and my mom.

Now my dad is doing much better. Yesterday he had to go for a check-up and was told that he can now travel far again. So today we are finally home.

Our arrival was not pleasant though. Neighbors dumped kittens here that pooped on our patio. The frogs also left dirt behind as well as the bats.
There is a lot of forest all around so a lot of animals too.

Mother and I cleaned all day today. We started with the bedrooms, which were full of spiders, so at least we won't sleep in a dusty room tonight. Tomorrow we will clean the rest of the house.

It is not yet 9 o'clock in the evening here, but I am already going to bed after posting this blog. The bed I have missed so much.

That was another day in my life; an exhausting, but productive day. A day I'm grateful for.

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