First Trip to Galveston


What a beautiful place for a Wednesday Walk! We made the 900-mile drive from Illinois to Galveston, TX on Sunday and today was our first chance for a walk along the beach.

We have a third-story lodging on Seawall Blvd and this is the view from our patio before we started this afternoon's walk. You can see the ocean off to the left.

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We walked 5.5 miles along the beach and it is pretty well deserted this time of the year. The ocean is too cold for swimming now, but the temperature was a balmy 72 degrees (27 degrees back home, yes I checked!) and it was perfect for walking.

While we met a few people, and actually a few brave children IN the water, the beach was mostly populated by seagulls searching for a mid-afternoon snack.

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Speaking of snacks, all that walking made us hungry for our own snacks. We headed toward the downtown area to see what was around. We were attracted to an old-fashioned soda fountain located in Star Drug Store.

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The Star Drug Store is the "Oldest Drug Store in Texas" having been built in 1886 by the Scanlon family. It made another piece of history by becoming the first desegregated lunch counter in Galveston. The Star has had its share of misfortune throughout the years. In 1998 it suffered a catastrophic fire and was closed indefinitely. Then the Tilts family purchased it and restored it to its origins, keeping the original horseshoe-shaped lunch counter, complete with the embedded red tile star. But tragedy struck again in 2008 when Hurricane Ike struck the coast and flooded the first floor with six and a half feet of water. They didn't let that be the end though, and three months later the damage was repaired and the business reopened.

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They offer many traditional soda fountain treats and @crypt-skip is a true ice cream connoisseur. You see him here (in his HIVE sweatshirt) enjoying a peanut butter milkshake. Since he did allow me a taste, I can testify that it was, indeed, delicious!

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My favorite thing in the drug store was this old fashioned scale. Normally the scale is my enemy but this one weighed me about 10 pounds less than I was expecting - and it says "HONEST WEIGHT" so it can't be wrong! That's my story and I'm sticking to it....


I hope to have many more beach and historic downtown pictures in the weeks to come as we are planning MANY Wednesday walks to enjoy this weather and scenery.


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