Thanks and an update of my wife

Thanks and an update of my wife

Firstly I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive and sending positive thoughts and support for my wife it is so truly appreciated

And secondly I want to thank those who are keeping the Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk going so strong in my absence :)

Update on my wife

Today we drove to Boston to see the specialist they took more X-rays and took at look at her shoulder

He recommended because of her bad reactions after the hip replacement surgery and because of her other medical conditions to hold off on surgery for the moment

Basically said even though the shoulder is fractured quite badly the humerus bone is pressed into the ball joint and there is a chance it may heal together in such a way it may be fine and not need surgery

He wants her to keep on the sling for another week and then start some gentle physical therapy and return for a follow up in six weeks

After how bad she was after the hip surgery due to a rare reaction to the Heparin blood thinner causing serious clotting in her arms I am kind of glad in a way she isn’t having the surgery and hope her shoulder does heal this way.

But my concern is also I note how often words like “may” “could” “might” etc were used but I guess I have to stay positive and hope and pray for the best

So bottom line I am still going to be not on here much for a while although I do miss getting out taking photos and interacting here on hive, I just don’t have the time or to be honest the energy to do it at the moment.

Focusing my time and energy on helping Lulu and doing all I can to help keep her somewhat comfortable and healing to get back to her normal self however long that takes

While in the medical center I snapped this shot with my phone my colorful shoes and as I always do mismatched socks.

As we know washing machines tend to eat socks and over the years I threw out so many socks as I lost it’s partner so maybe 20 years ago I decided to just always wear mismatched socks and never worry about loosing one lol


And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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TeamUSA is a Community for and supporting those from of in the United States, and now is in the process of rebuilding stronger than ever join us on Discord

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