A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk

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It's gross out today. In fact, most of the weather over the winter and into spring has been extra yuck. But that's not why I'm whiny - well, actually it's kinda part of it, though not the whole kit and caboodle.

I'll spare you all the sordid details, especially since the UTC time limit for today's #HiveBloPoMo post to count towards the Hive Buzz Monthly Author badge is quickly runing down, but suffice to say that while I've discovered over the past few years that bad weather doesn't play nice with my Essential Tremor, recently I found it reaaaaaaly doesn't treat my Fibromyalgia very well at all.

So when I realized today's prompt from my Hive Blog Posting Month calendar was...

Go for a walk & share at least 5 photos for Wednesday Walk

...I really considered trying to look through my archive of unpublished photos for a Wayback Wednesday Walk sort of thing, but decided against it. The whole idea (for me) of posting every day isn't to just get some content up, it's about challenging myself to push a little harder to get my blogging back on track.

So I grabbed my literally dusty camera, stuck it on my similarly dusty tripod, and set my phone alarm for 15 minutes. I figured that should be plenty of time to find 5 signs of spring to remind myself that nice weather really is on its way.

Before I get started with more whining the pictures always, a quick shout out to Wednesday Walk host, @tattoodjay - be sure to hop over and take a peek at his latest, Wednesday Walk in the Acushnet Sawmill, which I'm gonna check out as soon as I hit "publish" on this!😂

As for these photos, as per my usual FYI - these were taken in the yard of my Durham, NH home with my Nikon, also using my tripod. All were resized, then cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey - mostly the exposure and sharpness, but with a few other tweaks like vignette filters for the corners here and there.

A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk, April 6th 2022


1. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg1. Did I mention it was gloomy out?


2 A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg2. Just before winter set in, our landlady and her son filled in a bunch of sinkholes in the driveway and on the lawn (the joys of having large roots rotting underground for years after the tree stumps were removed). Strangely enough, some of the first of the new grass is growing fastest around the edge, making the lawn look a bit like a masked bandit!


3. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg3. Nice to see at least a spot of color in the otherwise drab outdoors.


4. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg4. A couple of days ago, as my son was bringing me home from shopping (the aforementioned ET means no more driving for me) and I noticed these sprouts on the ground.


5. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg5. In very short order, this will be a huge bunch of Black-eyed Susans, brightening up this corner of the driveway.


6. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg6. On the hill next to the driveway is one of many trees that have sprouted through broken granite stones on the property.


7. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg7. It's been thriving here for at least a few years.


8. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg8. I'm sure there's some sort of positive message here, about not giving up, but again I'm running on a deadline, so...lol!


9. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg9. And it's sprouting too.


10. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg10. More gloomy skies around the corner of our house.


11. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg11. But it looks like one of my favorite Shagbark trees on the property is starting to sprout as well.


12. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg12. And this tree-like bush (or bush-like tree) at the base of the Shagbark has some pretty bits of color as well.


13. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg13. I'm anxious to see how our landlady's memorial tree does this spring, after having a rough time with mites and such last year.


14. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg14. So far it's looking encouraging! And while I was taking this shot, I heard the Phoebe bird calling from across the yard, and walked around hoping to get a shot, especially since when she sits on the stair railing outside our bedroom window and hollers when the sun's coming up, I know spring is approaching...lol! However I couldn't track her down and it was starting to sprinkle out, so I went back inside. As I walked into my bedroom to get the photos off my camera, I saw motion outside our window and snapped a quick pic...


15. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg15. Nope, not the phoebe...lol! This is one of the pair of Turkey Vultures that's been hanging around here more than usual. Definitely not the best shot, but I'd hoped for a bird picture to end my walk with, and the Universe was nice enough to give me one. Maybe I'll finally stop my whining - for today, at least. 😂


Happy Wednesday walking everyone!


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


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