I Created Many AESTHETIC BLOG DIVIDERS | Get Yours Now! (+Giveaway)

Black and Orange Beer Saying Facebook Post.png

Hey my fellow hivers:) I am really sure that all of us wants to create quality contents and make our blogs presentable in order for us to gather more audience. It's been about 2 months since my first blog here on hive. And yes,I really am enjoying my time blogging and witnessing how great and talented the hivers are in the different communities may it be on arts, photography, travel, analytics, music, gaming and many more. We are very diversed and gifted in many ways.

And, for my 2 months of being here, I have noticed that most of the people here do not have blog dividers yet. You may be wondering, what is it for and how important is this blog divider. Better to continue reading though.

What are Blog Dividers and Its Importance

A blog divider or a visual divider is a design component that assists in grouping or dividing the composition into parts that has the same context or topics.

Along with other components on the page, dividers has an extraordinary role in setting up strong visual attraction. For instance, with them, viewers can simply characterize the relations of the contents, as if the parts of the compositions are alike, related or similar to one another.

"Blog Dividers does not just make your blog presentable but also neat and organized"

There are five visual kinds of dividers:

  • lines
  • color
  • negative space
  • shadows/volume
  • images

Since hive is already pre-designed and we can not manually design the whole formatting of the page, the blog dividers that I made is both a combination of lines and images.

Blog Dividers

Here it is. Since I know that we are really diversed here on hive, we got various styles and preferences, I made blog dividers that has different styles and colors. I am gonna be showing you the blog dividers with various designs so it may fit to your style and liking. There are three categories for my blog dividers.

Blog Dividers Categories

  • Generic
  • Category-Based
  • Personalized

For the first 3 hivers to comment(who would want to avail) on this post, I am giving them generic blog dividers, category-based or personalized for free.
For the first 1, he or she will be given any kind of divider and for the remaining two, they will be given the generic ones.

Actually, I already had done this before on Steemit. Like, I have given free GIF footers to the steemians no matter how many would want it. But right now, I really need some compensation for this work because I am gonna be having online classes and my laptop that I used really is super lag. I assure you the earnings would really be put to a very important thing.

Maybe sooner or later, when I will be having a new one, I will surely be giving free gif footers or dividers to everyone who wants it. AND THAT SURELY IS A PROMISE:)

First kind is the generic blog dividers. I know there are people like me here on hive that are " jack of all trades, master of none" kind of person, I made this generic kind. Just like me, I am into everything like arts, poems, daily experiences blogs and many more(but right now I am currently focusing on arts). That's why this kind of divider will fit to these kind of people. These blog dividers are not specific to a category nor to a certain community. Instead, it just has this hive logo with designs on the side. I made it simple to look elegant and aesthetic.

*These blog dividers are on full-width or fits the screen width. But I could change the size if you wish to.

Price at 2 HBD

  • Plain | Generic BD


  • One- colored Gradient | Generic BD


  • Two-colored Gradient | Generic BD


Second kind is the category-based blog dividers. So right now, I am focusing on arts currently. And I have observed some people are sticking mostly to their niche. So these blog dividers would be very useful and appropriate to these kind of people. I just have picked some very common categories such as food, travel, arts and photography. As you can observe, it shows simplicity and justwith a few icons and design, it already portrays the kind of niche that you are into. Moreover, I provided the designs on different color patterns, such as color gradient and in a plain one.

*These blog dividers are not of full width. This should be placed on the center. But I could change the size if you wish to.

Price at 3.5 HBD

  • Food | Category Based BD

    • Set A
    • Set B
  • Travel | Category Based BD

    • Set A

    • Set B

    • Set C

  • Art| Category Based BD

    • Set A

    • Set B

    • Set C

  • Photography| Category Based BD

    • Set A

    • Set B

Lastly, the personalized blog dividers. This kind of blog dividers will be made to those who would avail my kind service. You could request any design or icon that you want to be in it, may it be your face(just like what is shown below), your dog's face, your hive profile picture or anything that you want. The more complex the higher price but in a maximum of 3.5 HBD but still we could talk about the price.

Price starts at 2.5 - 3.5 HBD

  • Personalized

    • Face Icon or anything (This is my face by the way)
Icons made are based on Freepik andFlaticon
which offers millions of free graphic resources

Why Avail my Blog Dividers?

  • Beautify your Blog
  • Organize the contents
  • For a Good Purpose
  • Visible and Looks Good in any Mode

If you would avail my product, it would greatly help me in several ways like for my online classes and some necessary things. And not just that, your blog would really look presentable and attractive to the viewers with these blog dividers. Moreover, your blog would look more neat and organized with regards to the groupings of your blog's content. Also, these blog dividers design and color fits to any mode, may it be on night mode or the normal mode.


For the blog dividers shown above, if you wish to avail and make some changes you could talk to me about that and I am gonna modify it based on your style, may it be on colors, sizes or design.

If you felt like, you can not avail due to cost issues. I am very negotiable and we could lower the price if you wish to. We can talk about that on my discord or on messenger.

And for some hivers or hiveians who are just very new to the community, don't you worry. I am sure it won't all be sold out because I am not that popular here on Hive. And for the dividers which are not availed, I will be giving that to those new hivers and hivieans. This is how I welcome the new ones to this community. I would prioritize the new hivers for this thing :)

I am also open to trades and if you wish to trade my blog dividers may it be a leaf art(not a complex one) or anything, provided that it is not that complex or takes a lot of time, like portraits(which takes a lot of time). I would trade for something that is just on par with this blog dividers. But if you insist on trading for a more complex one, why not? I am up for that.


If you wish to avail my product or service, you could comment down below or contact me in my social media listed below. I would gladly answer all your questions and requests regarding the designs, color, sizes or even the price.

Wow. You reached this far? Thank you! That's it for today's blog. Hope you enjoyed it and had fun :)


Spread Positivity and Keep the Vibes Up!
What's up Hivers ! Give me a Hive Five.......................Nice! This is Chris Jason A. Oswa, your boy @jason04. I am a Computer Engineering student. I am proud to be a hiver and assures to give quality content as I can. I am a "jack of all trades, master of none" which means I can do a bit of poetry, a bit of travel blog, daily experiences and a bit of graphic designs. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog and don't forget to upvote, comment your suggestions and reblog. Lastly, follow me to be updated with my random blogs.

Again, this is @jason04 and " HIVE a nice day"!

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