A Life in Pictures

Chances are, if you’ve been using Hive for the last year or two, at some point you’ve probably seen my rocky old face at least once or twice. Maybe I was playing a flute or guitar, but it’s also possible you saw me going for a ruck march, changing the oil in my motorcycle, or building a massive fire. In any case, today I found this community and thought it would be fun to tell my life story in pictures…don’t worry, I’m limiting myself to short blurbs and no more than 15 photos, its not an autobiography I promise :)

In my early years I dare say I was a pretty cute little dude, and apparently I had a freakin’ sweet McDonald’s robe???

Not too different from the other boys my age, I liked playing baseball (tee-ball)…

…and playing with cap guns!

Boys tend to be more prone to effing themselves up with stupid hijinks…again, I was no exception to the rule. Here you can see one of the masks I had to wear after getting my face blown off with napalm…kids will be kids, am I right!? LOL

But I continued growing, the skin grafts healed, and I moved into my role as a sarcastic teenager. It was awesome…psych! LOL nah jk it actually was pretty cool :)

…sometimes it was boring…

…and sometimes there were cardboard bar coasters!

Anyway, graduated high school, went to college, dropped out of college, joined the army - you know, basically same as everyone else I guess.

I know its hard to imagine, but I actually started off my adult years with short hair!

Spent a few years living a pretty grimy lifestyle, but that was mostly my fault…I really like to immerse myself in whatever’s going on :)

(ABOVE) Look at those dumbo ears, baby! Now you know why I keep my hair long 🤣

Now I’m older than I was…you probably are too (I mean, youre probably older than you were. You may be older than I was too, but who’s to say?)

Anyway, I have kids now, responsibilities. I’m no longer living the easy life, pimpin in my Mickey D robe. In other words, these days papa’s got a brand new bag.

…I still like to go on adventures of course, but these days I tend to play it a little safer.

Anyway, that’s it; that’s my whole entire life, in less than 15 pictures and 1000 words! Have a great weekend, Hive-Homies, I’ll catch you on the flip!

Oh yeah, one more for the chronicles: today (14 July 2023) I went to the dentist for some drilling action:

I guess they make you wear glasses to protect your eyes from tooth chunks these days???

…you know I have to update my profile pic now, right? 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


If you enjoy my content, check out the Albus Index!

Here you’ll find links to various post-groupings, so you can find all posts related to a specific topic quickly. Topics include lists of brewing recipes, flutes, crypto talks, rucking posts and an index of all acoustic covers. The lists are updated as new content is added, so they can always be used to quickly navigate my content.

@albuslucimus has officially hard-forked. @rorykl is now the home for pretty much all acoustic singer/songwriter work.

I created a second account (@rorykl) in May 2023 to be my professional side. It’s a totally separate thing, strictly acoustic playing and singing. Because I don’t want to post duplicate material from two accounts, this account is now the home for all my acoustic singer/songwriter type stuff.

I’ll be using this as my account to share with bars and venues etc., so it will be a home for acoustic covers, live performances and auditions…pretty much, if I’m playing a stringed instrument amd singing, this is where I’ll be doing it…unless I’m doing it while operating a motor vehicle ;)

Click or tap the profile banner below to check it out!

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