Glitchtober - Snake Witch by eve66 | (ESP-ENG)

Hola Comunidad Alienigena esta es mi participación en #Glitchtober2024 organizado por jrdsctt

Hello Alien Community, this is my participation in #Glitchtober2024 hosted by jrdsctt

Bruja Serpiente


Creative process - Proceso creativo

Mi segunda participación, reuní las siguientes 5 palabras:

>Crudo, Intrincado, 8-Bit, Cosecha, Arrastrarse

y redacté un prompt que usé en Ideogram

In my second participation, I gathered the following 5 words:

Raw, Intricate, 8-Bit, Harvest, Crawl

and wrote a prompt that I used in Ideogram


Este sería el prompt básico:

A glitch art masterpiece of a witch that crawls with the body of a snake. The background is a dark forest with tall trees. The image has hyper-detailed textures and touches of glitch lighting. Raw, Intricate, 8-Bit, The overall image has a Halloween vibe.

A medida que realizaba más interacciones, el prompt se fue enriqueciendo hasta llegar a los resultados de estas imágenes.

Los colores de las imágenes generadas no me gustaron, use Photoshop para añadir una capa de degradado en modo ruido para obtener el color que buscaba más una capa de pintura blanca en los ojos de algunas imágenes. .

Here is the basic prompt:

A glitch art masterpiece of a witch that crawls with the body of a snake. The background is a dark forest with tall trees. The image has hyper-detailed textures and touches of glitch lighting. Raw, Intricate, 8-Bit, The overall image has a Halloween vibe.

As I made more interactions, the prompt evolved until I got the results of these images.

I didn't like the colors of the generated images, so I used Photoshop to add a gradient layer in noise mode to get the color I was looking for plus a layer of white paint on the eyes of some images.


jrdsctt es un artista digital y curador de la comunidad @glitchartistscollective, una comunidad internacional/interweb que conecta a artistas de glitch art.

Síguelo en sus redes sociales : jrdsctt

jrdsctt is a digital artist and curator of the @glitchartistscollective community, an international/interweb community connecting glitch artists.

Follow him on his social media: jrdsctt


Here is the schedule if you want to participate in Glitchtober 2024.

Te dejo el cronograma si quieres participar en Glitchtober 2024.

Glitchtober 2024.jpg

Thank you - Gracias @eve66

X @misionera66

Discord eve66

NFT Showroom @eve66




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