war is over - finishing.jpg

Hello everyone, I'm Humansleep. and here I want to post my artwork again in the Alien Art Hive community. and share the process whether it's drawing or sketching that I will later work on in an effort to be seen and appreciated.

The cold war between the two sides, both of which had a stubborn nature, ended in peace.

In a galaxy far, far away, there are two very different alien races: Mechavulk Cyborg and Flooratypus. Mechavulk Cyborgs are beings who prioritize logic and technology, while Flooratypus are known for their art and deep emotions. Over the years, the two races have lived on different planets, but tensions between them have risen as they fight for control of the galaxy's limited resources.

The Beginning of Tension:

The tension began when the Mechavulk Cyborgs discovered a way to extract energy from a resource-rich planet, which also happened to be inhabited by Flooratypus. The Mechavulk Cyborgs felt entitled to control the resources for their technological advancement. Meanwhile, the Flooratypus see this action as a threat to the balance of the planet's ecosystem and their culture.

Open conflict began to take hold. The Mechavulk Cyborg sent fleets to mine for resources, while Flooratypus attempted to protect their planet with small attacks focused on sabotage. Tensions rose, and both sides were caught in a cycle of mutual attacks, with no sign of peace.

The Cold War Years:

For years, this cold war raged on, with each side stalking the other and looking for ways to gain the upper hand. The Mechavulk Cyborg used advanced technology to strengthen their defenses, while the Flooratypus utilized art and creativity to create unexpected tactics.

In the process, both races lost many resources and sentient beings, but neither side was willing to back down. Hatred and distrust became entrenched, and dialog between the two races seemed impossible.

The Turning Point:

One day, a young leader from Flooratypus, Oubluf decided to take a bold step. She sent an unconditional message to the Mechavulk Cyborg, offering dialog and cooperation. Yvevee believed that art and logic could come together to create something greater than conflict.

This message shocked the Mechavulk Cyborg leader, Gruthuvu, who had only seen Flooratypus as an enemy. However, his curiosity overcame his fear. He agreed to a meeting on a neutral planet.

The Road to Peace:

On a quiet planet, Oubluf and Gruthuvu met. In an awkward atmosphere, they begin to talk. Oubluf showed artwork depicting the beauty of their planet and the importance of the ecosystem, while Gruthuvu explained the Mechavulk Cyborg technology that could help repair the damage that had been done.

Through this dialog, they began to understand each other. Gruthuvu realized that without a healthy planet, their technology would lose meaning. While Oubluf saw that the logic and innovation of the Mechavulk Cyborgs could help develop Flooratypus culture.

After much discussion, they reached an agreement to form a council consisting of representatives of both races. The council aims to manage resources sustainably, while combining technology and art to create harmony.

This drawing is made with ink on paper, using a pencil.


war is over - sketch.jpg


war is over - outline.jpg

This is all I can say for now, sorry if there are wrong words or my typing is not perfect.


Finally, after years of tension and division, Mechavulk Cyborg and Flooratypus found a way to coexist. They build joint projects that combine their skills, creating clean energy and innovations that benefit both races.

This story serves as a reminder that while differences can create conflict, the desire to understand and communicate can bridge the gap. In cooperation, two races that were once enemies are now united to create a better future for the entire galaxy.

thank you for taking the time just to look at my artwork, and see you in my next work. 👽🖐

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