Fell Dragon Part 5

Greeting Readers!
Please meet Princess, my insanely adorable hedgehog. She has a bite like a vice and refused to release the pillow. Don't worry, the pillow and Princess are both fine.

Anyway, this week has been so busy! I have had to teach myself about the hardiness zones and last and first frost dates while writing a gardening book. Hats off to any American readers here who garden. Your system is complicated but it works!

Back to the story, last update you all got to meet Saita. We know nothing about who she is, where she came from, or why she is here. A head's up about this particular post, there is some language involved. It'll likely not get worse from here, but the violence does.

Hope you are all enjoying the ride so far, because there is a lot more coming.
Return readers, let me know if you find the posts too long or too short for your entertainment. I can adjust as needs be.

Saita sat on the edge of the bed as some women brought her some clothes to try on. She had had a moment when she awakened to sunlight where her muscles bunched, and was ready to flee, but then she remembered that this place was safe. There was food, water, and comfort. She remembered the arms of Myla around her. There had been no malice, only warmth and the word she used; safe. It made sense. The blankets had been warm, clean, and soft. The bed was even softer. However, she was awake now and sat up.

As soon as she had done that someone must have noticed because several women had come into the room with warm water and set about the task of washing her. At first, she had growled at them, but one simply threw cold water over her. Saita had been so surprised she had jumped up. The moment she had done, two women grabbed her and marched her to where the bathroom was before using the warm water to scrub her bare skin and hair. Saita tried to not fight them as she had promised to stay, but she did not like the feeling of the stinging soap in her eyes or the hot water being poured over her aching body.

“Tsk! Look at these ribs. When is the last time she ate!” Said one woman.

“Sure, she is thin but look at all the scratches and bruises on her. She must have been on the run for days before she came here.” Said another.

“I hear they found her at the forbidden grave marker.”

“Karesh likely attacked her.”

“No, I heard it was Lizards.”

“Lizards? There is no chance of that. They are not allowed here unless they are injured, and then it is only for treatment, and then they need to leave.”

Saita watched this for a while, catching maybe a handful of words rather than the meaning of the sentences. Their tone was hushed, but it wasn’t directed at her. If they directed anything at her they usually used the word ‘sweetie’ followed by a single word and a mimed action. They realised she had next to no grip on the language, and they were trying to include her. After towelling her off they pointed to the bed and told her to stay. She did not have to sit naked for long as soon clothes arrived. Thick trousers and socks with a thin shirt and a light jacket were her first options.

The colours were dark, and she drew comfort from them. She hugged each item of clothing to her body, much to the nurse’s bemusement. Before she had a chance to put anything on the man from yesterday, the big one with the bird mask, Jarah, came in to look at her wounds. He whistled under his breath as he looked over her face. He removed his mask to seem more friendly with his big smile.

“Pain?” He asked as he tapped his head and held his fingers out.

Saita signed two, and he said the word. She gave it a try, and he nodded his head. He tapped above her ear. Understanding now, Saita held up three fingers, the rest last night had done a lot for her pain, and she felt better.

“Three.” He said.

She mimicked the word, and he once more nodded his head.

“Left hand?” He tapped her hand lightly.

She shook her head.

“No pain then, good. Your life force is healing you quickly.”

She gave him a pained expression as she did not understand him now.

“Nothing, zero.” He closed his hands to show no fingers.

“No...no...pain?” She tried.

“Good! Myla is right. You learn fast.” He patted his belly. “Here?”

Here Saita shook her head, it still hurt a lot there. “Lots.”

“Oh, dear. Show me.” He held his fingers out.

She lightly tapped the fingers, counting the numbers she knew, and stopped on the eighth. “Here.”

“I need to get you a pain killer.” he looked at her with sympathy. “Pain killer? Do you know?”

She shook her head, the word pain she knew, but the other word was new.

Jarah frowned a little and then smiled. “I know.”

He held up eight fingers and then said. “Pain killer. No pain.”

He then closed his hands. “Stop pain.”

Saita didn’t know what to say to that, but her wet hair was starting to make her feel cold, and she wanted to dress.

“I’m sorry Saita.” Jarah pointed to the pants. “Put on.”

She understood that and pulled the pants on whilst sitting on the bed. Jarah stopped her from putting on the shirt as he tapped what looked like rolls of material on the side of the bed. “I need to redo your dressings. This.”
He then tapped his stomach and head. “Wounds can’t stay open.”

Saita had wondered why the nurses had removed the material earlier. However, now that she had seen the clean material Jarah had pointed to, she realised the others were bloodstained. She sat with her hands in her lap as he inspected her head.

“Not bad for a butcher’s work huh? Grow some bangs with your hair, and you will never see this scar.” He smiled as he applied something cold to her two cuts before binding her head. “We will leave your hand for last because I need to test something.”

She grunted to remind him that he was using too many words again.

“Right, right.” He mimed that he wanted her to raise her hands above her head.

She did as he asked and flinched, as he inspected the injury to her belly. He said nothing here and just added some soft padding before binding it in place with more of the material.

“Stay.” He pointed to the bed. “Stay.”

She wasn’t planning to go anywhere but was surprised to see her bed was dry. She peered down and saw wheels. They must have wheeled the old one out and brought a new one. The blanket Myla had given her had gone with the old bed. Before she knew it, she felt the panic rise in her chest. Jarah heard the short, panicked breaths behind her and wondered if he had bound her abdomen too tightly. When he turned back to her, he saw her with her arms wrapped around her chest with her feet drawn up.

“Hey, hey, hey.” He said gently as he sat next to her. “Why?”

She mimed the blanket being thrown over her shoulders. Jarah looked to a nurse and asked. “There was a blanket she was sleeping under last night. Where is it?”

“Likely the incinerator. She was covered in lice before she was bathed this morning.”

Jarah forced a smile and said. “Best you get it cleaned before we have an incident with her. Need I remind you she roasted four Lizards without trying.”

“How about a nice, clean pink blanket. Not that disgusting black thing.” The nurse said to her.

Saita covered her head and squeezed her eyes closed.

“Get it back.” Said Jarah without a smile this time. “We are meant to keep her calm.”

“It’s just a standard black blanket, there is nothing special about it.” The nurse argued.

“It is a token.” Said Beatrice as she walked into the room whilst slapping the back of the other woman’s head. “The Queen gave it to her, and it calmed her. Now that security is gone. Think! Get it back, have it cleaned. We will keep having it cleaned until we find no more lice. That is my command.”

“Yes Madam Beatrice, at once.” The nurse stepped from the room.

“How is the little Princess today.” Beatrice came to stand next to Jarah.

“Panicking now but was calm earlier. Saita, Saita, calm.” He mimed the blanket. “They washed it. Like you. Water. Soap. Clean.”

“Here.” Beatrice tapped on Saita’s foot. “Look.”

Saita raised her head from her arms and watched Beatrice pull the soiled material wrappings from the dustbin. Beatrice pulled a face of disgust. “Dirty.”

She pointed to the fresh material on Saita’s head. “Clean.”

She mimed the blanket and again said. “Dirty.”

Then pointed to the bathroom where Saita had been cleaned. “Clean.”

“Understand?” Asked Beatrice.

Saita slowly nodded her head, and tried to calm herself, but it was difficult.

“Here, let’s get you fixed up so that you can get dressed.” Beatrice sat on the bed and pulled Saita’s feet towards her.

Saita grunted a warning, but Beatrice ignored her to look at the soles of her feet. “I’m a little concerned about possible broken toes. Look at this bruising here. It is still dark, and the toes are swollen. She must be in a lot of pain.”

Jarah took Saita’s left hand and pressed the palm around the stitched area of her hand. The swelling was down, and she barely flinched. She indeed healed fast, which is why her aching belly worried him so much. Jarah had not been happy with her condition, to be honest.

When he had arrived in the operating theatre, he was startled to see the scrawny teenager and even more shocked when they found a lacerated liver caused by some kind of blow to her gut. He had no idea how she had managed to survive the blow much less last as long as she had before Karesh had arrived. Her waking from the anaesthesia and throwing the painkiller off as if it were nothing at least told him that her liver was functional, but the rest of her internal organs were not in the best of conditions. She looked starved because she was starved. He couldn’t be sure for how long as he still needed to do a bone density test, but he was sure it was more than a couple of days.

“Hungry?” He asked Saita when she looked at him.

She brought her hand from her lap to her mouth and nodded her head. He nodded his head. “We will get you food in a few minutes. But…”

“Single words.” Beatrice pressed on the girl’s feet again.

“You are in pain?” He pointed to her feet.

“Three.” Said Saita slowly until Beatrice pressed on a toe, and she hissed in pain and showed six fingers.

“I suspect that you are right Beatrice. We may have a few broken toes, but I think it may be from her running for so long coupled with malnutrition. We need to get her to eat something more than a few bites.”

“Let her eat first. I know you want to run some experiments. Myla also has made a list of a few things she wants to have done, but I want Saita to be comfortable.”

“Saita.” Said Jarah as he picked up a pen from the table next to the bed. “Toes.”

Beatrice touched a particularly swollen toe, and Jarah snapped the pen. Saita’s eyes grew wide, and she tried to pull away from Beatrice. Jarah held the two pieces together, and showed her the cracks and signed a six. The girl shook her head hard and mumbled. “No...hurts, no…”

“She thinks you want to hurt her.” Said Beatrice as she released the child’s feet. “Let her get dressed, and we will think of another way to explain x-rays to her.”

“X-rays?” Saita indicated her left arm. “Bone...hmm...see bone?”

“Yes, X-rays to see bone.” Said Jarah.

“Toes...bones…” She was trying so hard to think of the right words to use, but she struggled. “Hurt...break?”

“We don’t know.” Beatrice gently rolled a sock onto her one foot. “But we want to.”

“Not that we can do much for broken toes, mind you.” Said Jarah. “Is it worth the trauma of x-rays to just keep her still for a week or so?”

“Saita? X-rays?” Beatrice tapped her other foot.


“No, not hurt. Just...scared.” She indicated a small space between her fingers.

“Scared...not like.” Saita rubbed her left hand.

“A few minutes.” Jarah flashed ten fingers a few times. “Then food.”

She perked up at the mention of the food and nodded her head happily.

“First clothes. Foot?” Beatrice asked her for her other foot which Saita did as the promise of food was overwhelming to her.

“You are good with children.” Said Jarah with a smile.

“Do you think she is the first child I have seen abused to this level? Give me a few weeks with her, and I’ll have her speaking at least at a ten-year-old level.” Beatrice rolled the second sock on.

She then pointed to the shirt. “Help?”

Saita shook her head and pulled the shirt on herself with a grin. “X-rays then food?”

“Well, I think that was at least two sentences from her. Considering she struggled with single words yesterday this is a marked improvement.” Jarah grinned and held his hand out to her. “Come, little Princess. Let’s get this over and done with then you can eat as much food as you can fit into your belly.”

“All the food?” She looked a little confused but gave him her uninjured hand.

“All the food.”

“She has been living off God knows what for at least three months.” Said Jarah stonily as he presented a report to Myla, who had asked to see him in her office later that day. “Her bone density is not good. At least four current broken toes, several others healed over time. Though she has amazing regenerative powers the bones were not able to heal whilst she was malnourished. She is going to need round the clock care for a while if we do not want lasting problems to her bones or organs.”

“So, we are assuming that she has been on the run for at least three months?”

“That I cannot say. I can say that she hasn’t been getting the nutrition she needs for at least three months. Myla…” Jarah rubbed at his balding head. “I know you do not like the work of us butchers, but you do know our value, or you would have disbanded us years ago. When I had her open on my table…”

“Doran mentioned that you thought she was a construct.” Myla paged through the report. “I said…”

“Myla, her organs are scarred from surgeries. Look at the x-rays, her limbs had been artificially lengthened. I don’t think she is even fourteen years old yet. That spare tooth I noted, well I told Saita it wasn’t needed and asked if I could remove it. The local painkiller lasted long enough to pull the tooth. It was an extra wisdom tooth which shouldn’t have erupted yet, but there it is. I did an isotope test to see if I could see where she was raised.” Jarah looked generally concerned. “I was unable to find any matches to anything in our known database.”

Myla scanned through the results and frowned, he was right, it was as if the child had been raised in a completely stable, isolated world.

“Jarah, what are you telling me exactly.” She set her glasses aside and rubbed her eyes, she dreaded his next words.

“I think someone is trying to build constructs from existing people instead of having them born. I suspect that whoever these people are, they are using harvested genetics to produce people like Saita. I’m almost sure if we scanned her whole body, we are likely to find some sort of tattoo or chip to mark her as an experiment. This could explain why she shares your blood, most people on this planet have had their DNA coded in experiments.”

“But why?”

“Clones and constructs are not seen as living, breathing creatures as they can be manufactured. Mass producing this success could revolutionise wars and medicine. If I am to wager a guess Saita is the lucky one. Somehow, as a child, she was taken and experienced probably a decade or more of torture. Likely in processes that would have yielded less than five percent of success each time.”

“How many operations do you think she has had?” Myla closed her eyes.
“I saw evidence of about five or six serious operations and a dozen smaller ones.”

Myla did a few sums on the notes before her, and her face drained of colour. “Five percent survival for each serious operation, going on a maximum of six of these done to her already.”

She looked Jarah in the eye and said. “Are you telling me that some monster out there has gone through more than a million children to achieve Saita?”

“I hope I am wrong.” He whispered softly. “God, I hope I am wrong.”

Myla sat with her head in her hands, this was an atrocity, and the only person who knew anything was a child with a vocabulary so limited she was currently classed with the intelligence of a standard three-year-old with next to no memory.

“Where do we go from here?” She asked softly, not looking up at all.

“The soldiers sent out to look for evidence found nothing. It literally looks like she appeared out of nowhere and came to rest at the gravestone of your son. There was blood on it, so I suspect she hit her head on it though I am not sure if this is the cause of her amnesia or not.”

“We will need Meedus with us as we probe her mind.”

“She is terrified of everything. If it wasn’t for the promise of food, I doubt she would have let me x-ray her at all. You should have seen when they took the blanket away that you gave her. I thought we were going to have another incident.”

“Well, did they return it to her?”

“After breakfast, someone brought it to her, and she went straight to sleep muttering the word: Safe, over and over until she eventually fell asleep.” Jarah smiled.

“How are we going to keep track of her?”

“Realistically I suppose we can’t keep her locked in that room, not for long anyway.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I can keep her down for about a week for the broken toes, but after that, she will become bored and will want to explore. I don’t know how many people you want to let know about her, Your Majesty.”

“I am concerned that her creators will seek her out if her presence is too well known.” Myla leaned back in her chair.

“You know...if I may speak freely from your royal ties and speak to you as the woman you are.” Said Jarah softly.

“You risk much by saying that Butcher, but let me hear.” She viewed him with uncertainty.

“The grapevine is abuzz with rumours that Natus had a twin sister, and this is her. The other rumour is that she is your bastard child.”

“What are you trying to say, Jarah?” Sighed Myla. “That I should put an end to the rumours or acknowledge them?”

“Karesh is so desperate for another child, give him this one.”

“I will not have you speak of this matter!” Myla fixed him with a dirty look.

“With her under Karesh’s keen eye what is the chance that she will be hunted?”

“Do we even know if she is hunted? We all know what we do with failed experiments.”

“Usually a swift death, not being kicked from a lab God knows where.” Jarah became insistent. “When will Aleux arrive?”

“No.” said the Queen as she stood up. “This is madness. In a hurried moment, I said I would look out for her, but it is not possible.”

“Oh, come on Myla, I have known you for decades, you can’t lie to me. This girl intrigues you far more than what you are willing to admit.”

“I cannot do what you want of me. I can protect her but bring her into the family? No, I cannot.”

“And why not? The Royal contract stated…”

“I know what the Royal contract stated!” she said.

“Clearly you don’t, as nowhere does it say a child of your body and Karesh’s seed needed to be heirs. Nowhere!”

“Why do you not take her?”

“My wife would kill me.” He laughed then looked thoughtful for a moment. “Though I suppose if I told her, it was for a foster program and would only last as long as when an adoption goes through…”

A stab of jealousy plunged into Myla’s heart, and she felt compelled to bring her hand to her chest, a move that Jarah did not miss.


“It’s those eyes Jarah. They are Natus’ eyes.” she sat on the edge of the table and rubbed at her face. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Then simply do nothing for now. She needs to rest and heal from her ordeal, whatever it may have been.” Jarah smiled and said. “As for tracking her why not present her with another gift? Something that can hide a tracking chip?”

“How are we treating her any different from how...they treated her?” she hissed.

“Do you see another option?”

Saita looked on in interest as a nurse added a few splints to some of her toes. The moment they were in place she smiled. The pain had eased in her feet.
“Stay.” said the nurse gently. “No pain if stay.”

Saita nodded her head and lay back against the pillow clutching at the black blanket in her left hand. She ignored the stabbing pain from the wound. She liked the way the blanket felt on her palm, and she was not willing to allow the blanket to be taken from her.

“Here.” the nurse handed her a cup that contained some pills.

Saita pulled her nose up at this and refused to take it. She didn’t trust it, it wasn’t food. The nurse frowned and shook the cup at her. “No pain.”

She tapped her stomach and shook the cup again. “Take.”

Saita took it with distrust, she was starting to realise that every time she took these brightly coloured pills, she did mostly feel better, for a while at least. She released the blanket long enough to mime a drink. “Please.”

“Barely knows the language yet can be so polite. Wish my boys were like this.” The nurse turned to get a glass of water to offer the girl. “Here.”

Saita tilted her head back to take the pills in her mouth and then drank from the water. She did not like the taste of the pills that left a bitter taste long after she had swallowed them.

“Good.” The nurse dug around in her pocket and produced another brightly coloured pill wrapped in plastic from her pocket. “Here.”

Saita shook her head, she had counted, there were four pills in the cup, same as earlier, she knew there were only meant to be four. This fifth one was not something she had had before.

“Not medicine.” The nurse opened it and let her smell it. “It is a sweet.”

“Sweet?” This new word was completely foreign to her.

“Look.” The nurse popped the red pill into her mouth and seemed to be sucking it. “Food. Sweet. Candy.”

Confused yet intrigued Saita sat forward to put the cups down. The nurse produced another red pill and opened it. She held it in an open palm for the girl to reach if she so wished. Saita touched the sweet and found it somewhat sticky from being in a pocket all day. The nurse had a lot of patience, and she smiled when Saita gave it another poke before finally picking it up. The nurse stuck her tongue out to show the candy was still in her mouth. Slowly Saita put the food in her mouth. The taste immediately replaced the bitter tang of the medicine she had taken.

“There you go.” The nurse smiled. “Good girl.”

“Good.” Saita smiled as she clacked the hard sweet against her teeth. “Good!”

“Don’t tell Jarah.” She winked.

“Don’t tell Jarah what?” asked the man as he entered the room.

“Nothing.” Lied Saita with a grin.

The nurse laughed and said to Jarah. “I needed to find a way for her to take her medicines, and this helped when I was a child.”

She showed him the pocket full of brightly coloured sweets, and he grinned. “Not too much.”

“Only one.” She promised as she left the room.

Jarah sat down in his rolling chair and looked over the chart that had been left for him. The blood derivative was no longer being given to Saita. All pain medicines, as well as some vitamins, were now given orally as they seemed to have a longer effect on her than those that had been given intravenously yesterday. She definitely seemed happier as she explored the splints added to three of her four broken toes.

“Don’t.” Said Jarah as he barely looked up. “Pain.”

She snatched her hand back and then picked up the blanket to hold onto it once more. It was her security. As long as she was calm and happy, he could continue his work. He tapped the bed and said. “Saita, bed, stay.”


That startled him. She had never asked a question before this. He thought a while before he pointed to a foot and indicated that he wanted it. She frowned but complied. Jarah mimed walking on her foot with two fingers before bending her foot to show the rolling movement of the foot as it walked. He lightly bent a splinted toe, and she hissed at him.

“That is why.” He said as he released her. “Understand? Pain if not stay.”
She seemed to think this over then nodded her head. She then pointed to her head and said. “Lots. Blood.”

“Head wounds bleed a lot, yes. You will be fine.”

“Black.” She touched her stomach and then the blanket.

“Bruise.” Said Jarah. “From blood under skin.”

“Die?” She tapped her chest and suddenly seemed scared.

“No.” He smiled broadly. “Stay here for...uhm...days?”

She shook her head, showing that she did not understand.

He got up and went to the light to turn it off and then back on. “One day.”
He turned it off and then back on. “Two days.”

Realisation lit up the child’s face, and she nodded her head. “Long sleep.”

“Yes, long sleep.” Jarah returned to his seat. “Good girl. Long sleep, seven long sleeps.”

Saiya frowned and tapped her knees with her fingers trying to understand the number. Jarah reached over and counted aloud for her several times before she found seven on her own.

“Jarah?” She said after some time of silence.

“You remembered my name.” He was pleased.

“Wrong.” She tapped her chest.

“Wrong? Do you feel sick?”

Saita had no other way to describe how she felt. Nothing about her felt right, and her hands itched like mad. She tapped her chest and tried again. “Saita wrong.”

“No sweetie, you are not wrong. Other people are disgusting bastards but you, you are not wrong.” He said softly, not caring if she didn’t understand him. “Not wrong. Saita not wrong.”

His words felt hollow to her, and she clutched the blanket to her chest with a stinging feeling coming to her eyes. She was scared, and the feeling to run was strong in her. She hugged her knees to her chest and flopped over to her side to watch the fat man staring at her.

“How can I make you understand?” He said softly.

Candy, now gone from her mouth the bitter taste returned, and she hissed at it, surprising Jarah a little. “What?”


“Who taught you that word?” Jarah looked at her in surprise.


“I don’t think you don’t know the language. I think you were never exposed to it properly. I think I have an idea. Saita like colour?”


Jarah tapped the blanket. “Black.”

He tapped her face, close to her right eye. “Blue.”

Then her left eye. “Grey.”

“Ah!” Saita understood. “Blood red.”

“Yes. Colour. You like?”

She had never been asked that before, and she did not know how to answer.
“I think I know what to do. Saita? Can you draw?”


Jarah sighed at himself then flipped to the end of his notes where he always kept a few blank pages. “Draw.”

He took the pen and drew some shapes. The girl watched with some interest but not much.

“I guess not.”

“Silly man thinks of her as a three-year-old.” Said Beatrice as she came into the room with a cardboard box. “Lower your standard of words.”

Beatrice sat heavily on the bed and placed the box at Saita’s feet. “For you.”

“Me?” Saita again looked confused.


Saita tucked her knees in under her as she leaned forward to open the box. Inside was paper, paints, pencils, and all manners of colourful items.

“I’m going to teach you.” Said Beatrice.

“Don’t you have other duties?” Asked Jarah.

“Don’t you?” She looked him in the eye. “Where is the tracking device the Queen gave you?”

Grumbling Jarah took the watch-like device out of his pocket. “Was trying to build a rapport as the Queen did.”


Jarah handed the machine over to the old Handmaiden.

“Saita give hand.” Beatrice indicated that she wanted the right hand.

Saita gave the left with a giggle. Beatrice put the watch on and tapped a few buttons before letting go. “Now you can monitor her remotely and not bother her so much.”

Saita looked at the thing around her wrist and noted numbers and soft beeps. “What this?”

“Sweetie…” Started Jarah.

“Worried.” Said Beatrice as she tapped her chest then Saita’s chest. “You leave.”

Saita shook her head and said. “No!”

“Safe.” Whispered Jarah as he placed a hand on her head. “Keep safe.”

“Not safe. Saita not safe.” She said sadly as she closed the box and pushed it back to Beatrice.

“This is for you. I want you to have it.” Beatrice opened it again and took out some paper and different paints. “Let me show you.”

Saita frowned but watched as Beatrice went to collect a rolling table to bring it towards the bed. She sat on one side, and Saita sat on the other. Beatrice showed her the finger paints first, then the pencils, and finally the pens. Each more colourful than the next. Saita struggled to grip the pencils at first, and Jarah realised that she had never been taught to write.

“If you are going to pull a face like that, I want you to leave.” Said Beatrice as she kept a smile plastered on her face. “I want to turn this into a learning and fun experience for her, and she can tell when someone is not happy. I suggest you leave.”

“I will leave this to you Head Handmaiden.” He said as he reached for his bird mask.

Saita gave him a small smile and mimed the mask being put on before waving. She must have realised that he was leaving.

“I’ll be back later.” He promised as he fixed the mask in place.

She nodded her head and started to randomly scribble something onto the page whilst Beatrice nodded her head.

So, how is Saita wrong? Hmm, leaves you thinking, doesn't it? If you have missed any parts please look below as this is not a stand alone story.
I have quite a number of people following me now, so if you are interested in being placed on the reader's list, let me know. If not continue to follow. I'll see you all on Tuesday!
Also, don't forget to follow the adventures of Mortis, Magna, and Adiran in Mortis Custos. This is a chain story developed by @zakludick and myself. Show some love to my co-creator!

Reader's List
@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @shopnilhasan, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @beeber, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @thinkrdotexe

If you have missed any of the parts, you can find them here:

Fell Dragon Parts

| by @lex-zaiya |

| Part 1| Part 2 |
| Part 3| Part 4 |
Part 5 - You are Here |
Part 6 - Updated Tuesday |

3 columns
2 columns
1 column