Chainstories - How it works + Library 03/02/2022


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Time to get back to the world of writing fiction! Nothing better than to revive my chainstories concept.

What is a chainstory?

Well didn't you read my post about it FOUR YEARS AGO. 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣

But seriously, in a nutshell, a chainstory is a story written by two or more writers. We do it right here on the blockchain. The rules regarding the chainstory concept are fluid as different people have different preferences, abilities, and availability.


Where it all began

Besides the abovementioned post of 4 years ago - making that 2018 somewhere that I posted that, there is an even older ancestor to this concept.

In 2012, via email a friend and I used to trade stories back and forth. This carried on for around 28 pages in Word before life happened and we stopped writing. I still have a large portion of it and the legend is not dead, just waiting to be revived and completed!


The new invites to Hive

So I have invited that original #chainstory partner of mine to join us on Hive and for the two of us to start a brand new story! As soon as Lex has a moment and chooses a username. And so she has @lex-zaiya!

I have also invited another friend who moved from South Africa to Canada. We met on the Cape Town NaNoWriMo group many years ago and have been online buddies for so many years I don't even know when we started. I finally met her some time ago in the flesh, while the plans were already in place for her to leave the country. A massive plus was that she made great friends with my girlfriend.
Well... you know who you are, BINCH. Waiting for you to make that account and for us to brainstorm some ideas!


Another existing partner

Well, he's back in on Hive, just like me, and getting geared up to write some stories. That is non other than my friend @therneau!

The two of us did the Book of Space Lore, which I will list below. I am super keen to just carry on with this story once I read up on all of it again - possibly this weekend!


Suggested Rules in a Chainstory

I would say that to remain relevant on the Hive blockchain a linked story like this should have an episode posted every week at a minimum. At the most, each participant can post a post each week. That is if there are 2 people writing.

I have not ever attempted at doing a chain with more than 2 people, I imagine that to be like herding cats. One partner at a time is good enough.

As for length, I think that 300-2000 words is a good guideline with a good average of 1200 words per episode. This may be tweaked from project to project.

In all of these things, you and your partner just need to agree to the terms along with the type of content and style that is used.


The Library of Chainstories

Well, right now it is more like a little bookshelf, but it will grow!


Book of Space Lore SLZT

This is the story between myself and @therneau. It is a sci-fi story that I need to start reading this weekend!

SLZT#1 by @zakludick
SLZT#2 by @therneau
SLZT#3 by @zakludick
SLZT#4 by @therneau
SLZT#5 by @zakludick
SLZT#6 by @therneau
SLZT#7 by @zakludick



The Autumn Keep

This project was really interesting, done by myself and @fromage. Unfortunately, this project is shelved. If there is a writer who would like to take @fromage's place, please let me know.

A fantasy story with two protagonists.

Chainlink 1 by @zakludick
Chainlink 2 by @fromage
Chainlink 3 by @zakludick
Chainlink 4 by @fromage
Chainlink 5 by @zakludick
Chainlink 6 by @fromage
Chainlink 7 by @zakludick
Chainlink 8 by @fromage
Chainlink 9 by @zakludick
Chainlink 10 by @fromage
Chainlink 11 by @zakludick
Chainlink 12 by @fromage



Tarot Tales

A chainstory that I did with @kd-neeley. As the name might suggest, the premise was that characters came from the Tarot Card deck. This was quite a challenge for me as I knew nothing of the tarots!

Unfortunately this story is also on the bench and not likely to continue unless someone else would like to do so.

Tarot Tales - Page 1 by @KD-Neeley
Tarot Tales - Page 2 by @zakludick
Tarot Tales - Page 3 by @KD-Neeley
Tarot Tales - Page 4 by @zakludick
Tarot Tales - Page 5 by @KD-Neeley
Tarot Tales - Page 6 by @zakludick
Tarot Tales - Page 7 by @KD-Neeley
Tarot Tales - Page 8 by @zakludick


There were two smaller projects. I will leave them off this list as it is.


The final word - Who wishes to join a chainstory with me?!

I welcome anyone who likes to write fiction to do a chainstory here on Hive with me.

Of course, if you and a friend decide to do a chain story together, you are totally welcome to do so. How about using the #chainstory tag so I can find and support you? You are welcome to drop a link to the bottom of this post as well.

There we go @clairemobey. I did a thing. Now I will need your help to make sure that i keep reading and keep writing my love.

That's all from me! Till next time.


Exercise: Day 49/111
Posting: 7/7 days consecutively! Done deal!


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