Message to my Father

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A message to my father:

It’s been a few years now, since you transcended to pastures anew,
I hope it’s as beautiful as people describe, and that you are keeping occupied with lots to do
I hope that you have reunited with your loves ones that had earlier departed
And that you can still see what we are doing below, continuing what you started

In death we mourned for you, we cried a thousand tears,
However, the pain seems never to disappear
But we will remain resilient, determined and towards our goal we steer
I know that you are my Guardian Angel so I have nothing to Fear

I will continue to work even on your Remembrance Day,
I know that’s what you would want, don’t treat this day as a holiday you would say
My work ethics, morality and business acumen come from you
I am also a strong believer that there is always something to do

Later this evening, I will light a candle and offer prayers for you,
I don’t think you need them but that’s just what people do,
I often stare at your photo and think of our relationship
I am happy to of been blessed with parents like the both of you.

You have a Grand Daughter now, her name is Amelia and she is beautiful,
Our inner circle just got bigger, continues to grow and our bonds have become immovable
With more on the way, we will become stronger and unbreakable
Whenever a dispute I always remember your words to me “well…. she’s you mother and he’s your brother” That will never change.

You are gone from this plain, but you will never be forgotten,
Your teachings and guidance will be passed on through each generation
Don’t worry about our mother, she is the strongest women I know
And whilst she endures so much pain, she will always glow

But I believe that you are present still, Not in Body but in Spirit, and In God we Trust
I continue to do so as to have faith is a must
I will see you again, as I am determined to do so
But until that time, I will ensure that our legacy continues to grow.

Love you Dad!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, should you have any questions please do not hesitate as to leave a comment below. Off to work now, and then Splinterlands later, this is Mango Mayhem Signing out, Ciao For now and I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

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