Who Are We?

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The unexpected
the unintended
the realization that everything must change,
the writings on the wall
and still we stumble as we fall,
upon the words of others
as they carve their wisdom on stones,
symbols to rule our worlds
to steal ancient visions
till we are left,
with this twisted reality,
where we glorify those who are unwell,
Afraid, of what the truth, may bring.
So we fill our bellies
ignore our own self worth,
For who are we to hold such power,
who are we to question the norm,
this repetition,
that leads us further away,
from our true home.
Who are We?
The damaged and the worn,
the ones who broke away
who learned how to thrive
under so much scorn.
Who are we?
the many that strive to survive,
who follow along
and hide behind, other peoples pride.

The photo used is mine.

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