Movie tag 🎥🎞📽

Hello peeps!

I don't consider myself the best cinema connaisseur but I do love watching all kind of movies and spent a lot of time watching many, and this is why it's hard for me to have a favorite one. So, I'll show you through this movie tag created by @cami.rojas some of the movies I like the most.

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images 1, 2 and 3 sourced from Tumblr

1| Favorite movie

one of the many stunning landscapes

What Dreams May Come (1998)

As I said before, I can't have a favorite movie but for several years when someone asked me I always said "What Dreams May Come". I remember the exact moment I was watching this movie on TV when I was a kid, it had such impact on me that I just couldn't ever forget that day. This is a fantasy drama film based on a sci-fi novel of the same name* about life and love after death, about a possible afterlife: a man who already died goes to hell to rescue his wife as she couldn't bear life and suicided. The story is not only stunning but the visuals as well, the movie's references and art based escenography is impressive. A movie I think we all should watch.

2| Movie that made you cry the most

"11 years old boy showing more emotion than I see grown men convey" lmao

Finding Neverland (2004)

This is a historical fantasy drama film, and it's about the writer J. M. Barrie and his relationship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan.* Even though I usually don't cry with movies the scene where Barrie is conforting Peter because of his mom's death just broke my heart, watching the little boy cry like that made me cry a bit too. This is a really beautiful movie full of nostalgia and very thoughtful, as a fan of sad and touching stories I totally recommend this movie, also if you need to cry and haven't found a way to do catharsis.

3| Most romantic movie

#relationshipgoals 💙

Before Sunrise (1995)

This movie is a total #relationshipgoals for me lol, well the whole trilogy itself I would say, this love story is just beautiful: meeting a stranger on a train in Europe, having long night walks while getting to know each other through endless brain-stimulating conversations that end up in falling in love* are very romantic things that I just wish they would happen to me lol. A beautiful story that makes me daydream lol.

4| Worst movie


This is the End (2013)

This is a comedy film that focuses on its cast as fictionalized versions passing through a global biblical apocalypse*. I remember when I went to the cinema with my family and my cousin and I felt we had just wasted our money, the story was kind of dumb and none of the character made me really laugh, it seemed to me that the comedy thing was too forced. So, I don't know, give it a try, maybe it will make YOU laugh!

5| Movie that made you fall in love with an actor

the crush was big lol

Peter Pan (2003)

This is a Peter Pan movie based on the 1904 play and 1911 novel Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up by J.M. Barrie*, the writer the story of Finding Neverland (2004) was focused on. I remember the exact moment I was watching this movie and Jeremy Sumpter made his first appearance, I could feel my face getting flushed! lmao I don't remember when it was that I watched it but I was still in my pre-teen years I think, I was watching the movie with my mom and the love at first sight was so strong that I just didn't know how to react and even got a bit nervous lmao.

6| Surprise movie


The Man from Earth (2007)

When I saw this movie, which I think isn't as popular as it should be since I never saw promotion of it - I actually found it while surfing on internet, I was very surprised for how good and stunning it is taking into consideration the whole story develops in just one place and it's very minimalistic as it just focuses on dialogues. This is a drama science fiction film where the protagonist, a departing university professor, claims to be a cro-magnon who has secretly survived for more than 14,000 years.* How the plot develops through the characters' intellectual arguments is just impressive. A movie worth giving your time.

7| Best developed movie

cute thing, well done thing

Arrival (2016)

This is one of my fav movies from recent times, I think it's so perfect on so many levels (its cinematography, music, screenplay, acting...) that I even cried while watching it lmao, the fact it refers to the language theory that says language shapes our world's view and viceversa and that it also shows time isn't lineal - topics I'm very enthusiast about, just made me a fan of it. This is a sci-fi movie where a linguist discovers how to comunicate with extraterrestrial aliens who have arrived on Earth*, a very well done movie where even linguists were consulted in the making. Another film everybody should watch.

8| Best children's movie

best answer ever lmao

Soul (2020)

When I saw this movie I really had high expectations because of some references I previously read it had, and even though I expected more of it (I forgot this is a kid's movie and how cheesy Disney/Pixar tend to be) I was glad with the result and I think it's a very nice movie for kids because of its message. This is a animated fantasy comedy-drama film and follows the story of a middle school music teacher named Joe Gardner while seeking to reunite his soul and his body after they are accidentally separated, just before his big break as a jazz musician*. Not only the ton of psychological, spirituality and philosophical references of it were very well executed but the overall message of the story is beautiful and something I think we gotta teach kids nowadays: life is a worth-living experience no matter what, don't take it so seriously and enjoy the ride and little pleasures of it. A worth watching movie indeed.

9| Funniest movie

I still can't help laughing lmao

Pulp Fiction (1994)

This is a neo-noir black comedy crime film whose plot occurs out of chronological order and tells several stories of criminal Los Angeles*, a very entertaining movie that became part of pop culture and had big influence. I remember very well the first time I saw it, the scene where Vincent accidentally shot Marvin in the face made laugh so much to the point of having to pause the movie because I spent like 5 minutes laughing, I was dying! LMAO.

10| Movie everyone loves but not me


Iron Man trilogy

This is a trilogy I think most of people know and like, I don't know if it's because of Robert Downey Jr face and personality (as he and the character basically have the same personality lol) or that in general I don't like Marvel stories because I find them kind of empty or what... but I just don't like it, maybe I just don't get them, I don't even dislike other Marvel stories as I dislike this one; I'd like to think I'd find the comic more interesting but I can't know; what's sure is that I don't like these movies lmao.

As you might have noticed my favorite movies are kind of old lol I'm realizing it's rare that a recent movie becomes a favorite of mine, however I can't say these ones listed here are my top 10, I like many more and of course there are more new ones. I hope you had enjoyed these tiny reviews and that at least one of these movies might have picked your interest, I think they will be worth your time watching :)

Thank you very much for passing by! :D

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