Powering up to HODL for the first time in 2021

PUD_Jan2021.jpgThanks to @doze for the Thunder Hive on which this graphic is built

It's not yet 2021 as I prepare this, which means that it's not yet 1 January, either. It happens to fall on a Friday. Anyone who regularly reads my blog knows that I'm mostly AFK on a Friday and Saturday because I prepare for, and have, a stall at our village market. The list for this week is not quite as long as that. I'm also planning to start work ahead of Friday for two reasons: we'll have a house guest whom I've not seen for over a year. Secondly, it's New Year's Day. Although we won't be having a rip roaring party, because the lockdown level 3 Covid curfew demands requires that we be home by 9pm, pubs and bars all locked up, including our local, we'll not see in the New Year. With Scottish heritage, Hogmanay is important. The Husband, so anxious is he to see the back of this year, that he'd threatened to don his tribal regalia.

He is not alone. Alas, it's not to be.

Here we are about seven years ago in "smart casual" tribal regalia. Thursday would have been the casual/McGregor chic version...

Anyway, I digress, so let me remind you what I'm burbling on about.

Why we Power Up on the first of each month

Essentially, we ask folk to power up because we want to retain and build Hive as an asset and as a crypto currency. So, from @traciyork who quotes @streetstyle, the brain behind the original power up day -

On the first day of the month...
• ...we ask that everyone who can do so, power up any amount of HIVE they are holding on the first of the month.
• ... we ask accounts that are currently powering down to please pause the powerdown during the hours of the first of the month.
• ... we ask that those who are trading and/or selling Hive, not to do so during the hours of the first of the month (and if possible, cancel any type of sell order on any exchanges for the same hours).

To qualify for prizes

Your reputation must be above 39 and below 70.
Your total Hive Power (before the 1st) must be more than 100 and less than 8000.
You must power up at least 10 Hive on December 1st.
You must write a post about your power up on December 1st with the tag #HivePUD (International) or #HPUD (Spanish).

Powering up - and then some

In addition to powering up, I will be continuing with my delegation of 300 HP to three deserving accounts which is set out here. If fewer than three accounts meet the criteria, the delegation will be allocated either to a curation initiative or to accounts (randomly selected) from communities that @acidyo has identified as part of @ocd's community incubation program.

Putting my money where my mouth is

As usual, I'm keeping my HBD liquid - because I must. I have, however, committed to powering up all my liquid HP for as long as possible. So, with that, here's evidence of what I've powered up.
Before powering up:


After powering up


Last but not least - Happy New Year

As I'm writing this before I have any idea of how the old one rolled into the new, I can provide no evidence of how we sent cast 2020 into oblivion the realm of memory. I can, however, hope that 2021 is kind to us all. I have no expectations for this year; I have hope:

  • hope for health
  • hope for a vaccine if not a cure for this virus
  • hope for peace and happiness
  • hope for work that pays enough to keep people in body and soul

Last word

Finally, firstly, thank you to @traciyork who's taken over the reins from @streetsyle, to @victoriabsb for rallying the Venezuelan and Hispanic communities, @hivebuzz for their ongoing support, and to the other prize sponsors which help to make #HivePUD the successful initiative it it.

The final finally is to send good wishes @streetstyle who has been AFK for about six months. I trust he and his family are healthy and safe and that 2021 sees him return to the chain.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
    • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I plan to add them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
    • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
  • I blog to the Hive blockchain using a number of decentralised appplications. From Wordpress, I use the Exxp Wordpress plugin. If this rocks your socks, click on the image below to sign up -

  • Image: @traciyork
    • I also share my occasional instagram posts to the crypto blockchain using the new, and really nifty phone app, Dapplr. On your phone, click the icon below, and give it a go.
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