Crypto: What Is The Worst That Can Happen In 2025?

BTC is currently 67k, up from 64k 3 to 4 days ago. Nothing exciting has occurred, with the exception of BTC maxis performing a good celebratory dance. It is a great time to be a Bitcoin maxi. In 2020, I owned some Bitcoin and Ethereum, and I witnessed a massive price increase.

I did not want to take risks, so I sold and made some good money, but there were more massive moves, and I sold too soon. Consider holding that BTC and selling at the current price in 2024. No one, absolutely no one would intentionally not take profit.

Crypto is supposed to be life-changing; we all believe in technology and the future, but if you do not survive the present, you will not be able to support it. For every coin you sell prematurely, you risk losing future gains, but your current financial situation will thank you.

Unless you are a collector, BTC should be held and sold when it is profitable. Most people are more sentimentally attached to certain altcoins that feel like home, which is why most people sell BTC in the fourth quarter of the year before the bull run and buy back in the first quarter of the bull run.

I do not regret selling my small amounts of BTC and Eth back then; it was how I made significant changes in my life, paid my medical bills, and so on; I would have been hurt if I had sold Hive. Why? Hive is more convenient for me, as well as many others.

However, I am also celebrating those who are BTC maxi.

A win for one means a win for everyone.

This means a significant run in BTC means alts will feast, maybe slowly, but surely. However, I believe that 80% of cryptocurrency holders rely heavily on altcoins, so many people are not celebrating.

However, this position is fragile; we could easily fall back to 60k, and alts will take a bigger hit, but October is expected to end strongly for crypto.

Why 2025 Must Happen For Me

I have bet a lot on this upcoming run, and I have even taken on a lot of expenses and debt in the hopes that they will be paid off by the end of it. Is this foolish of me? Probably yes. Perhaps a little more than "probably" or with certainty "yes".

So, if cryptocurrency does not have a strong run by the end of Q4, I will most likely be one of the most affected. The thoughts are nearly impossible to think about. I could be literally bankrupt, incapable of supporting myself or repaying any debts I may have incurred.

It is probably foolish to believe that an event will occur at a specific time when there is no evidence of certainty, only gut feelings, permutations, historical predictions, sentiments, and so on, but I can not go back now.

I have incurred these debts, and the bull run will have to pay for them; it feels like a bad decision, and it most certainly is, and I do not want to look for a reason to justify my actions. All I have left is hope, and that is not enough.

Foolish Decisions

However, I am not the only one who has done this; many others have, and most of the decisions we make in crypto are probably stupid until they start to pay off. When they do not pay off, it becomes extremely bad. I have played my cards well, with the exception of not waiting for the appropriate signals to begin incurring debts, but there is no need to apologize now; the alts must perform.

So, do I wake up thinking that the market might not run the way we expect it to, especially since the market is not mirroring the previous cycle? Yes, I do, and it has nothing to do with what will happen in the next six months, but rather with my own fears.

We are all aware that our sentiments and fears about the market are frequently incorrect. The market will do what it will do, and patterns may not always match how we expect them to, but we worry about bears more than we do about bulls.

Why am I saying so?

We had BTC break its ATH earlier, and many people thought we were in for a wild ride, but six months later, we are panicking and not as optimistic as we were. So, was this a red flag? Many people didn't see it as a red flag, but they're probably thinking October not being a complete moon month is a red flag.

At this juncture, the market has developed a mind of its own to the surprise of everyone. So if you're out there, banking on hope, you probably feel helpless and confused, you should, but then I'm overly optimistic more than pessimistic. I think you should, too.

Predictions Do Not Work Anymore

Nobody can accurately predict what will happen in this upcoming run, but I believe we will be able to produce some good results. 2025 is the bull market year, and the worst we can do is match the performance of the previous bull run without doing anything extraordinary, and even then, profit should be made, even if it is not going to be outrageous.

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