People & Assets: A Probable Investment?


A lot of people would say that investing in people, is the best form of investment, while this is absolutely right, I do not think it's sustainable, dependable, viable or valid in all proportion. For example, I know a lot of people who would say..... "if I was given a million dollars, I will buy my mom a house, my father, a car, I would go to expensive places....." and so on. Hardly would you see them mention, investment.

Some actually does,

but then investment seems to always be the last on their scale of preference. Why is this actually so? A lot of people feel that investment is difficult and hence they'll rather stay away, they believe that making little profits like earning $0.50 interest on maybe a business they've put their lives in isn't enough to earn them the dreams they want. They're always fantasizing about hitting the jackpot, hitting that mega millions that could enable them to open the business of the dreams.

Nevertheless, the concept of making money comes in stages.. takes having diverse experiences of success and failure to actually have money. Anyone who starts out really successful without hiccups, and it spans for a long period of time must have inherited and already made venture or riding on luck for actually getting it right. However, one needs an Idea coupled with the right money to actually make money, in some cases, the idea might be right, but then, the money might be too small, sometimes the money might be right, but the idea lacks the essential ingredients to make it a success.

Whichever way it is, the only way to understand that it was the money or the Idea that wasn't right, there must have already been a situation of failure which should result in problem identification. While people who aren't business owners envisage these processes to be rather stressful, they fail to understand that taking the risk of starting up when there are some many red flags, like competition and inflation, gives these people some seasoned lessons about the principle of businessing whether they fail or succeed.

This is why I always say, if a person cannot handle earning $0.50 as their profit while having expenses to take care of, then it would be difficult for them to handle $1000 of profit" this is because there are rules to how money should function. Many feels that people who are rich shouldn't be frugal because they have the money to spend throughout their lives, but one of the reasons why people who are rich remains frugal even when they can afford to spend lavishly all their lives is because there were times when they had to be frugal to grow their business.

Times when they were faced with the challenges of making only one choice which their money can afford and hence when they finally attain financial freedom, they still choose to follow the principles that applies to money management. This is why it's important to understand that if you find it difficult to invest because you think you need to firstly invest in people or because you think investing is only for the rich, you'll definitely find it difficult to put investing in your plans even if you mistakenly hit a jackpot worth billions.


Truth is, people who have attained riches, wealth or success organically have once needed to make the ultimate sacrifice; Choosing family/people over choosing to grow their dreams, ambitions, profession or career. While this is a rather broad topic, I'll rather choose to look at it from the aspect of investing. If I was given a million dollars, there's no way I'm going on a spending spree.

This is often synonymous with Africans.

They believe that when you suddenly become rich the first thing you should do is "buy a car, buy expensive cloths, going on sex sprees, go to the club, then buy cars for all their siblings, in fact, any luxury that money cannot afford to buy.

The truth is, the fact that one gets a huge amount of money for free doesn't mean that the origin of that Money doesn't have a basis of hard work attached to it. So many people feel that being poor is why they can't invest, but when they fortunately hit a jackpot, the thoughts of investing doesn't even come to play, which makes it evident that the mentality of investing doesn't depend on whether you're rich or poor.

A Rare Opportunity?

It's sentimental to actually invest in people when you're just a new millionaire, it becomes logical when you're an established millionaire, and it is rather rational to choose to grow when you're exposed to money you never really worked for. The truth is, not everyone might be opportune to become rich in naira or in dollar.

This is why being rich without having to do so much is a blessing, a rare opportunity which millions of people in the world would never see till they die. So many people saw the bull of 2017 with crypto and with all that mad money, they chose to spend on things that weren't really sustainable, taking them back to ground zero when the bear came raging down in mid-2018. Individually, it's often good to cultivate the right "money" principles irrespective of your financial status.

Interested in some more of my works?

Circumstance Or Self Induced: How Do We Generally Lose People?
Financial Literacy For Beginners & The "Unaware"
Rusty Songs_ (An Original Poetry)
Lessons To Learn As A Potential Nigerian Migrating To Another Country.
Buying Education; Missing Out On Knowledge (Ignoring The internet As An Important Learning Tool) [Part 2]
How Not To Be A Bad Content Creator.


My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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