My overly bullishness on Splinterlands pays off!


If I ever made you feel like everything in crypto is always rosy, sorry, but you have been mistaken, volatility is our bane here and unlike most people, some of us have learnt to gobble up both sides of that volatile spectrum like a ceremonial cake.

I’m a natural Bull, this unsolicited nature strengthens my desire to hold on to undervalued gems I discover like my life depends on it even when the entire market is going through the worst crisis, I mean, why not? It’s worked for me so far.

The first gem I found in crypto was Steem Hive, becoming a Hive Bull led me to discovering Splinterlands, Leofinance, which led to Cubdefi and then Thorchain, all of which I perceive to have the potential to make tremendous impact in crypto and the world at large.

Speaking of Splinterlands, if you follow my SPT blog, you’ll know how bullish I’ve been about the game since it’s inception, and my bullishness remains undisputed.

The growth in Splinterlands has been nothing short of amazing and even though I decided to take a back seat in the previous months, the good thing is I can always jump right back in whenever I want.


Return of Mistakili the mighty

With his cloak of fear and spear of despair
He moves fearlessly through the lands of magic and death with great might and courage.......

He binds the will and shackles the efforts of those who stands against him in battle...
He’s the Legendary spiller of monster guts••••

They tremble at the sound of his name
They quiver at the sight of his presence
He shows no mercy....
He’s the king of battle....
The one true champion of the Splinter realm

Guard your hearts with fear oh ye fighters
Grab your armor oh ye legends
For shit is about to get real!
Let there be tremble in the land
Let there be bluuuuuuddddddddd!
Prepare for battle oh ye mortals! Prepare!!!!

So Ive decided to shake off the dust off my cards and I’m getting back to the game, why you may ask.....because shiit is about to get real! Did you miss the latest update from Splinterlands?

Once again, my overly bullishness has worked out just fine.


All my time creating posts and earning SPT tokens, battling my ass off....winning cards, holding cards, buying cards, accumulating spells and potions, will finally pay off, 😭😭....
Tomorrow I’m going to do a full analysis of my collection to have an idea of where I stand for the coming airdrop. So far so good guys....


If you're game, I'm always up for a challenge. Hit me up and get your ass whooped.

Battle till you drop!!!! See ya.


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