1600 HIVE POWERUP:🥅My Goals Progress 10🥅

Its That Time Of Month: HPUD

H= Hive
P= Power
U= Up
D= Day

HPUD is a day in which those who are invested/interact on the Hive Network choose to power up HIVE Tokens to Hive Power. HPUD day is on the first of every month. Today being 01/01/2022 qualifies as a Hive Power Up Day (HPUD). This is done to show support to the network we all come to enjoy interacting on. Taking part in HPUD is up to each individual user of the HIVE Network. Of course any day is a good day to power some HIVE to HIVE Power and if you feel as if you want to power up on a day that isn't a HPUD day than go right ahead and do that. Along with HIVE PowerUps there is many different Tribe tokens in which one can PowerUp to show support to the HIVE Network. This post will also serve as an update to the "My Goals" series (details on that below).

It's been over a month since the last ​update on my hive goals. One goal I set was to type out my goal progress to help keep me motivated and its been working. To read past "My Goals" posts click Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7/ Part 8/ Part 9

My HIVE Progress

I had the short term goal of reaching 7,500 HP by the end of 2021 and here we are the first day of 2022. Looking at my current HIVE POWER I can see I have a total of 5,914 HIVE POWER and that will just not do. Does this mean I have failed my HIVE POWERUP goal. Not at all because here today on HPUD day I plan on powering up 1600 HIVE and that will bring me to just over my desired amount of 7,500. I don't plan on stopping there as my next short term goal is to reach 10,000 HP.

Hive PowerUp


Tribe Token Goals


If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know its heavily focused on Splinterlands content. I try to support everything Splinterlands related including its blog token known as SPT. My SPT goal is to reach 1 MILLION in total. Currently I hold a total of 922K SPT.


Leo is the native token of the LeoFinance Tribe. Many Tribes have been created on the HIVE Network but few have had the success that LeoFinance has. This is because of many reasons which are not limited to the hard work its founder and team put in with constant updates and additions to the Tribes resources and frontend. Today I will be powering up all my liquid LEO. My short term LEO goal, 5000 Staked LEO.


My POB goals remain the same (I want more). Once I reach my SPT goal of One Million I will have more time to focus on building my POB and VYB holdings. VYB (Verify Your Brain) is a new frontend that was created to help suport the POB Tribe.

- Other Tribe Goals

I mostly been focusing on the above Tribes but I do have other goals in which I hope to complete. I want to grow my 1UP Stack (Gamer Tribe) to a TBD amount. I'll be back to purchasing MEME tokens in the next week or two so I can hit my one million MEME token goal. I plan on stacking any amount of the BATTLE token (Gamer Tribe) my content earns while keeping an eye out for any new Tribes that might come in creation that fits well with my content.

Learning About New Tribes

The last Tribe I learned about was the VYB Tribe. VYB is short for Verify Your Brain. I believe this tribe will become very popular as it will be the first ever Tribe that won't allow downvotes to have impact on rewards earned. The second thing that stands out about this tribe is self upvotes won't be possible/ have no reward impact. The third (yes there is a third), this tribe was created to complement the existing Tribe known as POB (Proof Of Brain). Learn more about VYB Click Here.

Watch A Splinterlands Battle Below


My LEO Token PowerUp



What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is an online blockchain game built on the Hive Network. It utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's and other in game assets are tradable and have real monetary value. Click here to play or to invest in Splinterlands today. Play for free or purchase the right to earn rewards for just $10 USD.

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