Canadian Cannibas Company Given Permission To Sell Cocaine (Stock Price Soars)



The dealer’s license....

allows the company to: Possess, produce, sell and distribute – for legal purposes only and not to consumers – up to 250 grams (8.8 ounces) of cocaine and to import and manufacture coca leaves to create synthetics.

Adastra Labs (Is Based Out Of BC)

British Columbia decriminalized drug possession, effective Jan. 31, to allow adults 18 and older to possess up to 2.5 grams of opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA.




MEME Image Source

A friend who I sometimes discuss investing opportunities with brought the company Adastra Labs to my attention yesterday and I thought it a good idea to share this recently attained information with you my readers. As noted above Adastra Labs is based out of British Columbia and has been approved by Health Canada to sell Cocaine and other drugs such as psilocybin and psilocin. The license they attained does not allow them to sell the product to consumers. Once this news broke the stock price of Adastra soared. Currently its 50% above what it was just days ago. Will it keep climbing or are we witnessing FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). This got me to thinking that it might be a good idea to look at other Cannabis companies that have not yet attained this license. If this becomes a profitable move for Adastra and company you can bet other Cannabis companies will take note and possibly apply for the same license.


Adastra Holdings Ltd

(Official Online Page)

When first visiting the official webpage of Adastra Holdings Ltd ( you will be greeted with a Confirm your age template. Once you place in your date of birth (considering you are of legal age) you will be brought to the Adastra Labs official site in which has all sorts of information on it including a Behind the scenes: How it’s made video; which I will embed below. I always found these proof of age templates a needless step as there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from typing in any date they so choose. What I find the most interesting about their page is the investors section. In the investors section you will find the public filings and the financials for the years 2019-2022. Each years report is broken down in quarters. For those interested the investors section can be found here:

Quarter 1 Of 2022

Example of Adastra Holdings Ltd Financial statements that are found in the investors section of the official Adastra Holdings Ltd Webpage (



The @rentmoney blog is in no way endorsing the use of Cocaine or any other type of drug consumption. Nothing on the @rentmoney blog should be considered financial advice. As always, do your own research before investing any of your hard earned currencies. If you or anyone you know needs help with substance abuse the Canadian Government has a list of resources that can help you. To find those resources visit the following page:


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