Just Three Days Left (Chaos Legion General Sale Phase One)


There is just over three days to go before General Sale Phase One is complete. For those that don't know General Sale Phase one or General Sale 1.0 as I like to call it requires the use of a Voucher for each Chaos Legion Booster Pack one wants to purchase. This is done to make sure everyone has a fair shake at purchasing the Chaos Legion Packs they want. When General Sale 1.0 ends (after a small waiting period) General Sale 2.0 will start. General Sale 2.0 won't require Vouchers for purchased booster packs. Instead the script is flipped, Vouchers will only be needed for bonus packs. Currently Vouchers can be purchased for around $2.00-$2.50 USD on the Hive Network Dex's known as Hive-Engine and LeoDex. Recent Voucher trade history can be seen below.

Hive-Engine: https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=VOUCHER

LeoDex: https://leodex.io/market/VOUCHER

Voucher Trade History



There is benefits to getting in early. The most important one is guaranteeing you get some Chaos Legion Booster Packs. The other being the airdrop cards that will be rewarded to those purchasing packs. The earlier you make your Pack purchases the more airdrops you will be included in. So far only one airdrop has happened and that airdrop was for the awesome card known as Doctor Blight. Everyone who participated in presale had a chance at owning one. To qualify for airdrop card two and three one needs to participate in the first phase of General Sale. To be guaranteed an airdropped card (for drop two and three) a total of 300 Pack purchase is required. Of course you could still be airdropped one even if you purchased just one Pack but your odds of doing so will not be that great. Packs are $4.00 USD each and as we already went over also require one voucher each. Packs purchased on secondary markets such as Hive-Engine do not count towards your airdrop total. Lets take a look at the price of a GFL Doctor Blight.


That's right folks, a Gold Foil Doctor Blight is currently selling for $1250 USD. This card was given for FREE in airdrops to those who participated in the Presale of Chaos Legion Packs. Will the airdropped cards two and three be worth as much? To be honest no-one can answer that question but I will say that historically the airdropped cards we get from pack purchases all have been well received and gave those lucky enough to have gotten them some nice ROI (Return On Investment). Personally I have only purchased 154 Chaos Legion packs thus far but I will very likely purchase at least another 154 before the General Sale timer ticks down to zero. I want that guaranteed drop.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt that utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's and other in game rewards have real monetary value. You can get started with investing in or playing Splinterlands by clicking here.

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Doctor Blight Lore:

To say the faculty at Pelcroft were uncooperative when first presented with Alastair's “evidence” would be an understatement. Shunned for his obsession with obscure folklore and laughed at for his insistence on a forgotten “hidden” continent, staff and friends alike mumbled pejoratives just out of earshot suggesting an unbalanced mind, drawing comparisons to the infirmed at Silverwood Asylum.

But the Yerivin Manuscript could not be ignored. Though indecipherable, the illuminated volume hinted at lands and flora somehow lost, suggesting a rich landscape ever so near but inaccessible to the uninitiated. As his critics grew more vocal he grew ever more determined, reclusive and choleric, buying the artifacts he could and stealing what he could not to fuel his obsessive research; obscure tablets in jade, strange figures carved in hardwoods unknown, and fragments of rotting velum in writing nearly identical the Yerivin volume. But still they would not believe.

Everything changed when the first sightings were made. The seas themselves had suddenly shifted, alien currents with strange fish had interrupted trade routes and samples described in university articles gave at last incontrovertible evidence for Alastair's claims. Though gifted now with funding, celebrity and a clockwork steamer to make the voyage, his sleep became restless, haunted by whispers of fear and greed.

On the sea he grew thin, unable to eat, feeding instead on his growing delusions, disappearing from the shore camp on arrival, returning late that first night wild-eyed, raving of ruins in the jungle and of visions of a flaming caldera where all questions would be answered. The crew muttered. The ship's captain hid the guns and rum.

The next morning he was gone. It was a fortnight before reports reached the shore of great swaths of jungle blackened and dead with tales of a crow beaked shadow bringing death in its wake.
“From the starless void beneath and from before creation lives the dweller in the void. By Silus' will was it given form and through the tearing of the veil were the hands of chaos laid upon the world. Though the Crypteia are the heralds of Chaos, only I am the right hand of doom. By the well of power am I given strength. Through me the shadow of the void is cast and by the will of Uul the word of Silus is given voice. Hear me and tremble. Approach and embrace oblivion.” Lore taken from official Splinterlands site.

-- Doctor Blight, The Children of Doom

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