Splinterlands Can Create Its Own Bull Market

Original Land Price


The Big Sale


Splinterlands land has been a hot topic ever since it was announced to arrive within the Splinterlands universe. With each passing day we get closer and closer to staking our claims. The smallest of lands is called a PLOT which currently can be purchased on secondary markets such as Hive-Engine and LeoDex for roughly $130-$135 USD. This is a far cry from its peak value of over $1000 USD per plot but if you ask me still a great price for both the buyers market and sellers market. How could I say such a thing? Easy, take a look at the first screen shot I shared. Plots were originally sold for as little as $10 each. That is almost 14X on the original price. We are currently in a bear market and Plots have held a value 14X over their original price (Amazing). Now lets take a look at that second screen shot above. $703,256 USD is the known MAX amount someone has paid for a Land Region Claim. The original price of a Region was $7,500 USD. I have no clue who made that sale but they must of been ecstatic at the time. The sale took place on the WAX network and cost a total of 2,394900.06 WAX. Whoever you are congrats on your sale!

Most things cryptocurrency rise together. Strong projects survive the bears and weak ones get weeded out. Splinterlands was born in a bear market and we all seen the heights in which its assets and player base can get at when a bull hits. While most projects are waiting on a Bull Market I don't think Splinterlands needs to. Sure a Bull Market in which all cryptocurrency assets benefit from would be great but I honestly believe that Splinterlands can create its own Bull Market. When looking at my Splinterland assets I don't see assets that have dropped in value. I see assets that have dropped in value from their peak price points. All Splinterlands assets (yes I said all) are still well above their original sell points. The exception being actively sold booster packs but historically their boost in value usually comes after being out of print. When can we expect the next bull run that push our Splinterland assets and player base to the next level? No-one can answer that for sure but its my opinion that Splinterlands doesn't need to wait for a bull market. In fact I think Splinterlands can create its own bull market.

But How?

It wasn't just a general bull market that allowed Splinterland assets to hit peak values during its previous run. It was a combination of things that allowed the games player base and asset value to reach all time highs. Those things were: (1) The general cryptocurrency community as a whole was experiencing a bull market (2) SPS Airdrop (3) Sold Out Assets. There were other reasons but we will focus on those three in this post. It would stand to reason that recreating those things will help Splinterlands assets to be back in the upwards trend regardless of what type of market the overall financial world is in. While it would be hard to entice reason (1) the other two are very achievable. In fact reason (2) has already been implemented with the GLX airdrop for SPS stakers. Admittedly the GLX airdrop doesn't nearly have the same upwards pressure for Splinterland assets as the original SPS airdrop did and the reason for that is GLX is being airdropped to those who hold and stake a specific Splinterlands asset (SPS) unlike the SPS drop that included all Splinterland assets in its airdrop. Next up is reason (3) which is in continuous motion.

The Splinterlands team has said time and time again that they want to have at least a 3 month break between introducing main pack sets. I believe once we get to the point in which we are in that 3+ Month time frame we will see an uptick in value for our Splinterland assets. If card staking on land + no packs for sale hit the community at the same time its possible we can see Splinterlands experience its own bull market regardless of what type of market the overall financial world is experiencing. For maximum effect I believe we need both the main set and mini sets to be sold out. Will all this come together at the same time? I have no clue but for me that is the clear path to a Splinterlands Bull Market. With any luck a general Bull Market for all of the cryptocurrency world will hit just before or during all this and if it does the new highs Splinterland assets could experience might be out of reach of current reality. Lets hear your thoughts of the current state of Splinterland assets in the comment section below.

What is Splinterlands

Splinterlands is a blockchain game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets. Click here to get started with Splinterlands.

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